
Three of Wands - Spread Description & Interpretation

Jul 23, 2023

Card: Three of Wands - Sailing Out
Elemental: Fire
Zodiac: Aries
Planet: Sun

Trust and be patient that your previous actions will pay off.
The energy, time and love you've invested in will pay off.

I. Description of the Three of Wands card

1. The meaning of the position, the zodiac of the Three of Wands card

Three of Wands is the 3rd card of the Wands suit in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck. The number 3 card represents growth, creativity and moving forward. Along with the embrace of the Flame, the Three of Wands seems to be energized for passion, the desire to conquer challenges, as well as experience new things.

Aries is still the zodiac sign associated with the Three of Wands. Here, the strong will as well as the "stubborn" of the Three of Wands is clearly shown thanks to the protection of the Aries sheep. And probably only Aries is "impulsive" and courageous enough to go along with the desire and boldness of this card.

At the same time, with the Sun as the governing planet, the Three of Wands is like a "fish in water", having more confidence and good endurance. Therefore, the more difficult and arduous environment is, the more clearly the bravery of the Three of Wands is revealed.

2. Detailed description of the Three of Wands card

The Three of Wands card is depicted with a man standing facing the sea. He stands on a high ledge, from this angle his view can reach and see everything ahead. In front of him was the immense sea with undulating small boats and rolling mountains. The whole sky is filled with the orange color of the sunset, the sunset on the sea is gorgeous, always knows how to make people's hearts flutter.

If compared to the man in the Two of Wands, the boy of the Three of Wands seems to be more loose and shabby. No longer looking far away, full of hope, the Three of Wands gives viewers a sense of determination, the burning flame of enthusiasm, and fresh vitality, full of hope. the color of the shirt he is wearing.

The blue sea in front of him had no ripples, the calm peace brought the boats forward. The man stood there, looking at the boundless ocean, as if he had seen all that was waiting for him ahead.

Challenges and opportunities are coming, sticks are planted in the ground as a promise, a commitment about future plans before starting to implement. Those three sticks form a triangle, representing stability and safety.

II. Three of Wands Keyword Explanation

In the Three of Wands there is a similarity to The Fool in the Major Arcana, in that both men stand on a ledge ready to move forward. But in The Fool is the striding in innocence, uncertainty, unpredictability that you are about to fall into your own destiny.

And the Three of Wands with complete awareness of what they are doing. Bring courage with a clear plan, willing to go on adventure. Get ready to be transported by ships on the horizon to explore unknown lands far and wide.

This is a card about foresight and prediction. When we want to see further, we will have to climb higher. By going up, your limits will increase and free yourself from the current situation. The Three of Wands indicates that you are a person with a firm stance, a visionary, confident taking the first steps in your plan firmly, taking advantage of future opportunities and potentials. .

When we expand our vision, we ourselves will also grasp the views, can change and apply them to the long-term view. A long-term vision is the quality of a leader. Therefore, the Three of Wands card is a journey to find what you are looking for, to become someone who is always eager to conquer challenges. Great things don't happen to those who just wait.

III. The meaning of the Three of Wands card reversed and forward

1. Meaning of the Upright Three of Wands

Three of wands tarot card upright


Preparation, foresight, progress, bold plans, expansion, moving forward, travel, leadership.


The vertical Three of Wands suggests that you are planning your future with conviction, and turning it into action, not just words. You are trying to build a strong foundation for yourself.

Three of Wands also symbolizes the energy that is always flowing and overflowing in your body. All the hard work will pay off, you will improve day by day and quickly reach success, feel happy with your choice. After overcoming difficulties, dreams will come true.


Three of Wands represents progress, and when a long-cherished dream comes true you will feel proud and energized. However, before officially departing, you should wait until the boat appears and docks, do not rush and do not brag. Believe in yourself, spread your wings and experience life. The Three of Wands will tell you that fortune will not abandon the brave.

d. Meaning of the Three of Wands Upright in Work

The Three of Wands card upright is an extremely positive work-related card. You experience new opportunities for self-discovery, which in turn motivates you to make bold choices for your career. This is also a good sign for the beginning, so if you have a new idea, a dream startup plan, this is a good time to start. The cosmic signal has been sent, what are you waiting for?

Also, there may be a trip combined with work in the near future. If you own a business and want to reach the region, this is a good time to put all your energy into it. You have the right to be proud of being appreciated for your work performance. Even if you work from home, your efforts will still be recognized and appreciated. Don't hesitate to give yourself a little pride, but that doesn't mean complacent, but take it as a motivation to conquer new heights.

e. Meaning of the Three of Wands Upright in Finance

Financially, the Three of Wands is up and down because it's really good, everything is developing in a positive direction. Your efforts have paid off and you are completely satisfied with that.

However, don't be too happy but be too generous with yourself, share that joy with those who are more difficult than yourself. Give love, you will receive the sweet fruit of love. At the same time, set up a savings for yourself in case of unforeseen circumstances!

f. Meaning of the Three of Wands Upright in Love

When the Three of Wands upright appears, this is a good omen that your love is moving forward. You feel successful and happy with your choice. The two of you seem to have reached an understanding and are ready to support each other in any situation.

Treating each other equally is the way to preserve this love. The Three of Wands is also a sign of travel, taking the opportunity to warm up, explore the world together. In addition, it also represents long distance relationships.

If you are looking for love, then the Three of Wands in a straight line shows that your love does not have any prospects yet, because you are busy enjoying the freedom of being single, and spending too much time Time and effort for my career should have forgotten the god of love. After all, think about allowing yourself time to enjoy your personal life!

g. Meaning of the Three of Wands Upright in Health

Your health tends to stabilize when the vertical Three of Wands appears. Your efforts on health seem to have begun to bear fruit, as long as you continue to maintain your health will always be at the optimal level. There is a small note for you not to be too "workaholic"!

2. Meaning of the Three of Wands reversed (Reversed)

Three of wands tarot card reversed

a. Keyword

Lack of risk, lack of foresight, procrastination, delay, obstacles to long-term goals, regrets, failures.

b. About

When the Three of Wands appears in reverse, it symbolizes returning home, returning to the homeland. You can rest and relax after a hard day's work. But it also shows that the lack of foresight affects your orientation. You should allow yourself to be “charged” at this time to regain your full energy.

c. Overview

You are always trying to chart a journey to self-improvement, but there are a few obstacles that slow down your journey. You feel frustrated and think you are wasting your time and effort. But there is a proverb that says "failure is the mother of success". Without the experience of failure, where can you find valuable lessons to motivate yourself to strive for success? This is an important part of life, it will help you to develop and perfect yourself.

d. Meaning of the Three of Wands reversed in Work

Three of Wands reversed shows that your work plans are going out of order, making you feel confused and lose confidence in some situations. There may be a few transactions that affect the work you are in charge of, but the problem lies with your partner, especially if you rely on investment from abroad.

Watch out for others taking advantage of you. The solution now is to revive the spirit of enthusiasm, with the initial confidence you already have, face the problem directly and solve it.

e. Meaning of the Three of Wands reversed in Finance

You will have some minor financial trouble when the reversed Three of Wands appears. This chaos is not too heavy, but it will affect your financial goals. It is possible that things can still progress in the short term, and most of it is based on cooperation with others. So don't try to do everything alone and always keep a close eye on your income and expenses.

f. Meaning of the Three of Wands reversed in Love

In a love spread, the Three of Wands reversed indicates that you and your partner are incapable of pursuing each other's long-term goals. The two of you can hardly sympathize and understand each other when facing problems. Therefore, both need to sit down and talk honestly if they want to continue this relationship.

If you're looking for love, someone might be "watching" you. Do not rush to refuse when only looking at the outside, look inside of them. If you feel sympathetic, open your heart to give the other person a chance to enter your life, because maybe he or she is your true half.

In addition, the reversed Three of Wands also advises that you should not fall in love. If you have ever been in a long distance relationship, now you are regretting the negative things that this relationship brings.

g. Meaning of the Three of Wands reversed in Health

Your health is not too bad when the reversed Three of Wands appears. Just go in the right direction in taking care and protecting yourself, keeping up and maintaining it, you will receive many positive signals for your health.


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