Jul 23, 2023
Two of Wands is the second card of the Wands suit in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck. The number 2 represents harmony and balance. But in this card, the number 2 represents hesitation, hesitation, indecision.
Like the 1st card Ace of Wands, the Two of Wands is ruled by Mars, the fourth planet in the Solar System, and is associated with the zodiac sign Aries. Because it is the first zodiac sign born and carries with it the fire destiny, the confidence, enthusiasm and energy in this mascot never runs out.
All that abundant energy flows into the Two of Wands and makes it a perfect "fire" card. The ambition and desire to conquer make the fighting instinct of the Two of Wands extremely intense, the extremely abundant fighting energy represents the spirit of renewal and immortality.
The Two of Wands card is depicted with the image of a man standing on a castle and looking at the vast sky in front of him. A fertile and rich land with azure river blending with immense mountains.
His orange outfit symbolizes his passionate approach to life, and his red hat symbolizes confidence, strength and power. At the same time, it also represents the ego, the big ego of this man.
That noble outfit and the position he was standing in showed his noble status. It seems that this is a noble or someone of authority. So it reminds him that although he is confident and passionate about adventure, he must not lose his own identity.
In his hand he holds a globe, literally representing the control of the whole world in the palm of his hand. Two sticks stood tall on either side, one he was holding and the other firmly nailed to the wall.
He clearly understands his ambition and has many things he wants to accomplish, and is also aware that the world out there is vast and potential. If he knows how to control his destiny, knows how the world works to open up new horizons, then he will be able to do things that not everyone can do.
The Two of Wands card is inspired by the passion of its predecessor Ace of Wands and turns that passion into a clear road map, this is a card about planning for the future, moving forward. from a vague idea to a workable plan.
Two of Wands' is also about exploration, especially encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone to explore the world and experience new things. It also represents courage and creativity. You need to consider your long-term goals and aspirations.
Believe that this is the right time to take bold, creative steps to surprise. And you should plan ahead for what needs to be done to achieve those goals. Allow yourself to "bloom" about your ideas and stand on your own, you'll be surprised at the results.
Future planning, cooperation, personal power, ambition, pride, progress, decision, discovery.
Two of Wands upright often talk about choice, decision making. The Two of Wands is a more mature version of the Ace of Wands, meaning that in addition to passion you also need to plan and move forward. As you step out of your cocoon and explore new world experiences, it can be a bit daunting at first. Two of Wands encourages you to keep striving and things will gradually improve for the better.
In this card, there is a fork in the road, maybe two directions will give you the same result. However, you can only choose one. At this point, it seems instinctively urges you to choose what is more connected to you. You are moving forward, stepping out of your comfort zone and taking risks. The Two of Wands forward gives you the confidence to do your best until the end result is achieved.
In a work spread, the Two of Wands upright indicates you may be looking at your ambitions and charting a path towards them. It can be an ideal job at a large company, a higher position, or want to be your own boss, creating your own entrepreneurial journey.
This is an exciting time when your dreams are taking shape. Let these first steps be a strong motivation for you to stay firmly on the path to conquering new horizons.
Your finances are quite stable when the Two of Wands upturn appears. Your income and expenses are moving towards a better equilibrium. You can be comfortable enough to plan for your long-term financial future. Don't spend too much money on self-care. You've worked really hard this time around, so treat yourself well!
If you are in a relationship, the Two of Wands upright reminds you to balance between love and life. You also need more communication to work together to create a path to the future you both want. Equality is the key to keeping this love alive. Loving and respecting each other will help you two come to a happy shore.
If you are looking for love, then the Two of Wands up shows that you are confused between many options. This card also symbolizes the tension between safety and adventure. There may be one person who gives you novelty and adventure, while the other is stable and reliable. Don't judge others by their appearance, look at their actions and care for you. That might be the one you're looking for.
Balance is the key to your health when drawing this card. Balance everything from body, breath, spirit, lifestyle, etc. Try to create good habits and maintain it for a certain time. You will see the benefits it brings. Investing in health is an investment that never loses its capital.
Fear of ambiguity, unplanned, sudden change, delay, arbitrariness, disagreement.
The reversed Two of Wands represents indecision, fear of change, lack of directional planning for long-term goals. On the other hand, the reversed Two of Wands suggests that you may experience an unexpected excitement.
You need to learn how to set your own goals by identifying what is important to you. At the same time, take the time to think positively, let yourself enjoy the joy and comfort of the little things.
In general, the reversed Two of Wands reminds us to focus on balance when facing risks or major changes in life. When deciding something you usually choose the safest bet. But sometimes you have to make changes and try new things to enjoy life.
When reversed, the Two of Wands indicates that things are out of balance, and the limited options that make the plans you have for your career path don't work out the way you want. envisioned. However, you can still expect things to go well, like a new job or a new process at work. It can create a breath of fresh air, surprise and delight you.
It may be time to leave your current job that has worked well for you in the past. Now is the time to act and fight. Let's rekindle the fire of enthusiasm in your heart and start to find your own aura again.
Financial stability is a positive thing when the reversed Two of Wands appears. However, don't invest all of your money in one big deal right now, but instead take a closer look at your long-term goals. At the same time, the reversed Two of Wands also advises you to do business with old partners rather than looking for new projects when you do not know them well.f. Two of Wands reversed in Love When the reversed Two of Wands appears, this is when your relationship is falling into a serious imbalance. You expect a lot from your partner, and always want to push romantic goals to make your feelings deeper and more connected. But it seems that the two have not achieved mutual trust and respect.
What you need to do is take the time to consider what you want from your love life, express it to your partner and work together to improve that imbalance.
If you are looking for love, you will probably start a new relationship soon and let go of your ego that is too big in love affairs. You can fall in love at first sight and it makes you swoon, enjoy this magic!
In a health Tarot spread, the Two of Wands reversed represents a growing imbalance of health. Take a look at your lifestyle. Are you staying up late and waking up early? Or push yourself too much because you just want to lose weight fast? Upside or down, the Two of Wands still advises you not to be hasty with your body.
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