
The Wheel Of Fortune - Description & Interpretation of the Spread

Jul 23, 2023

Card: The Wheel Of Fortune - Wheel of Fate
Elemental: Fire
Zodiac: None
Planet: Jupiter (Jupiter)

I. Description of the card The Wheel Of Fortune

1. The meaning of position, zodiac card The Wheel Of Fortune

The Wheel Of Fortune is the number 10 card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck. The number 10 is a rather special number and carries many good meanings in any field. It is concatenated by two numbers "1 is the most read, 0 is the beginning".

This is the first natural number starting with two digits, and also the ending number for the sequence of one-digit natural numbers. Symbolizes a happy ending and the beginning of a promising new cycle;

In our folklore there is a saying "ten and ten", if the number 9 is the number of the king, the number 10 is the number of "the god". That's why people often use the number 10 as an absolute scale to evaluate the best and most perfect. In Christianity, there are also 10 commandments with certain meanings that God wants to convey to the world. the next generation, teaching people to cultivate the mind and cultivate nature.

Jupiter is the planet associated with The Wheel Of Fortune. This is the largest planet in the solar system, representing opportunity, luck and success, plus the element Fire represents hope and undying faith.

2. Detailed description of The Wheel Of Fortune card

The Wheel Of Fortune card is depicted with an image of a giant wheel, which has a metaphorical implication of fate in each person's life. The image in the four corners of The Wheel Of Fortune card are four representatives of the four element groups in the 12 Zodiac signs, including; Angel in the left corner is Aquarius - representing the element of Air, Eagle is Scorpio - eagle representing the element of water, the lion is the sign of the lion, representing the element of fire Each representative holds a book, which is the Pentateuch, representing wisdom.

Above the wheel of fate is an image of the Hebrew characters YHVH, which stands for Yod Hey Vav Hey - the name of God. This means that this world operates under the protection of God and the Gods. Interspersed are the Latin letters TORA, with different concatenations giving different meanings, which can be read as TAROT when you read it clockwise and connect to the first character.

In the center of the wheel are 4 spokes containing alchemical elements, representing the "four directions and eight directions" in heaven and earth. Consists of mercury, sulfur, water and salt - the building blocks of life. The inner circle is the core of the power forming beings, representing the material world.

The Wheel of Fortune is supported by ancient Egyptian gods;The bottom left snake is Typhon - the God of Evil in Egyptian culture. The god that brings disaster and retribution, representing the power of life in this material world. To the right of the wheel is God Anubis - the Egyptian God of Death. As a symbol of intelligence, wisdom or hidden things inside of us, this is also the god who receives and transports souls who have left the temporal world. The Sphinx statue on the top of the great wheel. represent wisdom, strength and origin. All those images are set against the deep blue sky, the colors represent wisdom and understanding.

II. Key words in The Wheel Of Fortune

After searching for answers to the questions that lie deep in her soul, The Fool gradually realizes how everything is tied together. He saw the strange structure of the world, which, though confused, had its own laws. And The Wheel Of Fortune is the symbol of all mysterious things, seemingly very disconnected but combined together very harmoniously.

The wheel in this card of The Wheel Of Fortune originates from the spinning wheel of the three Moirai sisters in Greek mythology - these are the three gods of fate, governing the fate of all things. on the world. Each thread on the loom is a human life on earth, and when the wheel begins to spin, a new life is born.

The Wheel Of Fortune determines that each person will choose his or her own path, but still within an overall circle. We encounter opportunities and situations that we think of as “events,” but are actually part of a planned bigger picture. The Wheel Of Fortune also symbolizes surprises and sudden turns of fate. Because it is the wheel of fate that always rotates.

III. Meaning of The Wheel Of Fortune reversed and forward

1. Meaning of The Wheel Of Fortune Upright

 the wheel of fortune tarot card upright

a. Keyword

Luck, destiny, turning point, wheel of fate, promotion, chance, improving situation, game of chance.

b. About

The upright Wheel Of Fortune is a card that shows that all things tend to move in cycles, "through tribulation to return to the future", there is a good time there will be a time. bad and vice versa, it's something we can't control.

So when luck comes, enjoy it but don't be complacent, because it can always change at any time. When in a difficult situation, don't be discouraged, because even when things get worst, the dawn is still bright, the sun still shines to guide us to the best perspective. So now is the time to believe in the law of cause and effect.

c. Overview

The Wheel Of Fortune' when appearing in a reading has a reminder to us that everything will pass, good or bad. Appreciate what you've been given and understand that life always works out in ways you can't control. So embrace change with a positive mindset.d. Meaning of The Wheel Of Fortune Upright in Work Great changes may come in your career when The Wheel Of Fortune Upright card appears. You might quit your current job even though it's going very well, because your heart is no longer there. You are driven by an invisible source of motivation, so now might be a good time to make those moves.

You may face difficulties and challenges, but this is a good time for you to develop your skills and forge it to be ready for future growth

e. Meaning of The Wheel Of Fortune Upright in Finance

The upright Wheel Of Fortune is a blessing to anyone who has been struggling financially in recent times. It means that your financial resources will change significantly for the better, as a harbinger of your coming good fortune.

However, if your finances are abundant, it is likely that the amount of money you earn will decrease a bit. So make sure you always save a certain amount of money to get you through the tough times.

f. Meaning of The Wheel Of Fortune Upright in Love

Life is full of surprises, and love is no exception. Now maybe this is the peaceful time before the storm, your feelings will be tested. You just need to take serious action to make sure everything is okay and your relationship will likely become deeper than ever as the two of you have learned how to get through life's ups and downs together.

If you are looking for a relationship, The Wheel Of Fortune is about to open a new cycle for your love story. A special person is approaching, watch out for the surrounding satellites!

g. Meaning of The Wheel Of Fortune Upright in Health

The upright Wheel Of Fortune is a card that suggests changes to your health. Do whatever it takes to manage stress, get proper rest, proper nutrition, and approach subjects like Meditation and Yoga will be a good choice.

2. The meaning of The Wheel Of Fortune card reversed (Reversed)

 the wheel of fortune tarot card upright

a. Keyword

Injustice, irresponsibility, misfortune, bad luck, dishonesty, lack of transparency, failure, joke of fate, irony of fate.

b. About

When The Wheel Of Fortune is reversed, it means that luck is no longer on your side. These are external influences over which you cannot control, things change in an unfavorable direction and cause you a lot of trouble.

Maybe in some cases this is the necessary change to make you better, but for some people, this change can be incredibly difficult. But rest assured the wheel will turn and you will be fine soon.

c. Overview

The Wheel Of Fortune upside down, though not changing as strongly and quickly as The Wheel Of Fortune forward, but it will certainly come. There are things we can't change just by will and action, so learn to let go and let go. Don't fight the wave, be flexible to go with it.

Learn to accept that change is an inevitable rule of life, then we will also learn to forgive ourselves. Always keep moving forward because the wheel will also enter a new cycle.

d. The meaning of The Wheel Of Fortune reversed in Work

When The Wheel Of Fortune appears reversed in a career spread, this is when you are tired of your current workflow. What you need now is a "breakout". However, do not bet too much on uncertainties, decisions that may not yield good results. Be careful and focus on the options and make the safest decisions.

e. Meaning of The Wheel Of Fortune reversed in Finance

The reversed Wheel Of Fortune is still a good option for anyone struggling financially. However, do not invest at this time because there will be unexpected misfortunes that you do not anticipate. Your current difficulties will not last forever, when your finances improve, remember and learn from your financial management.

f. The meaning of The Wheel Of Fortune reversed in Love

In the context of love, The Wheel Of Fortune reversed indicates that you are feeling down in your current relationship. There are some outside factors that always want to get in the way of your longtime relationship. Too bad you can't control it anymore. That doesn't mean you make a hasty decision to end your relationship.

Let's look back and assess how the current situation is, how the two people's feelings are, whether there is a slight gap for the third person to step in or not. And then, make a decision.

If you are single, find out about the type of person you want, don't rush, try to go with the flow, give yourself opportunities and you will meet the right person soon!

g. Meaning of The Wheel Of Fortune reversed in Health

There may be upheavals in your life that are affecting your health, causing headaches, for example. Try to stay positive and you should try a variety of methods to manage stress.

Remember that even if you can't control the situation, you can control it so it doesn't affect your mood much. Maintaining stable health and being ready for all challenges is what The Wheel Of Fortune reversed wants to send.


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