Jul 23, 2023
The Hanged Man is the number 12 card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck. This is considered a number that carries messages with different meanings. Be it a promotion or a new opportunity you need to be confident about.
In addition, the number 12 is also a number with a comprehensive meaning, representing the pattern and standard of measuring time and the universe: In astronomy 1 year has 12 months with 12 zodiacs In astrology In the Bible, when Jesus was on earth, He chose 12 disciples to teach, impart and care for the Christian community life.
Neptune and Pisces are ruling planets as well as zodiac signs associated with The Hanged Man. Characterized primarily by mental strength, imagination, inspiration and sometimes confusion. This zodiac sign also represents dreamers, always acting to their liking.
The Hanged Man card is illustrated with a picture of a man hanging upside down from the World Tree. This is a plant that comes from hell and goes straight to heaven. There was a calm expression on his face and it seemed that being hung up like that was purely a matter of personal will, not a compulsion. The Hanged Man actively turns himself upside down as if to see the world from a completely different angle.
The Hanged Man's right leg is tied to a tree branch, while the left leg is bent so that the right leg behind the right leg forms an inverted triangle, with the arms crossed behind the back like a resting position. , expressing his indifference to this chaotic world.
On The Hanged Man's head is a shining halo of insight, insight and wisdom. He wears a blue shirt, red pants and yellow shoes representing knowledge, passion, and great ideals that he is pursuing. They all appear on a mysterious gray background.
Once The Fool had determined his life's purpose, he began to move forward tenaciously. Consecutive trials began to defeat The Fool and he had no choice but to give up.
At first, the young man thought he was a failure and lost. But gradually in the depths of his soul, he realized that "one step back to take three steps forward". That is the image of The Fool when he becomes The Hanged Man, hanging upside down from a tree but strangely peaceful.
The Hanged Man is one of the most mysterious cards in the Tarot deck, simple yet complex in many ways. Like the character in the card is turned upside down, symbolizing paradoxical actions in life but hiding the truth behind the opposites.
This is a card of concessions, knowing when to stop, endure and sacrifice to achieve something better. The symbol of "winning" when we accept that we "lose", and we will go further by knowing how to step back.
Letting go, sacrifice, pause, wait, reversal, waste of time, dedication, adaptability, dare to be different, lessons learned, enlightenment.
The Hanged Man upright shows that you may want to do something, but don't know how to do it. So The Hanged Man appears as a reminder that it's time to pause, relax, and let go of your desire to be able to take the next step. Release the spirit, stop at the right time before things get out of control.
This is a card primarily designated for delay and waiting. Sometimes this is exactly what you need to do to be successful. Remember, action is not always the best solution in certain circumstances. Spend time thinking and contemplating, waiting for the right time to be a smart person.
When The Hanged Man appears in the career context, your current job is not very promising. You are feeling stuck and bored about your career path, it makes you want to find a way to change. However, sadly, there may be a change, but not in the way you want.
So what you need to do now is relax, take a few days off to travel to relax your mind, relieve stress. Understand that you don't have to make a decision right now, when it's really clear, everything will become clearer and you will have your answer.
You are not having an abundant financial source when The Hanged Man appears in the reading. There may be some worries surrounding your finances. However, don't worry and think too negatively. Learning to give is not a bad thing right now. Who knows, maybe you can create the motivation to turn a bad situation into an opportunity!
The Hanged Man is a not very positive card in love affairs. Again, the running theme in The Hanged Man is "letting go," so you might consider letting go of a relationship where you've put so much time and energy into it, but to no avail. Instead of trying to force or pressure, use this time to think about how your perspective changes when you're alone.
If you are single or stuck with your ex, The Hanged Man upright thinks it's time for you to free yourself to open up more choices for yourself and those around you. The old one? So goodbye!
If you are having a health issue, The Hanged Man encourages you to consult your doctor's instructions, consider all your treatment options, research and think deeply. about it. You can simply allow yourself time to heal instead of becoming frustrated that your health isn't improving as quickly as you'd like.
Disappointment, procrastination, procrastination, uselessness, lack of effort, frustration, boredom, wrong financial decisions, unprofitable investments.
When The Hanged Man appears reversed, it's time to make a choice for yourself when you come to a fork in the road. This is not the time to try for control or resistance. Instead, you should take a serious look at yourself and get into the flow of life, even if it doesn't turn out the way you expected.
The Hanged Man reversed shows that you are in the stage of sacrificing too much while the results are worthless. This may be a time when you are trapped and restricted by certain people or circumstances, which makes everything stagnate and frustrates you.
If your life has been negatively affected for a period of time, the reversed The Hanged Man can be a positive sign that there is a new energy coming through your life and now you can move forward and hope big changes happen.
When The Hanged Man appears reversed, you may feel that the sacrifices you have been making in your work are not really bearing fruit and you feel discouraged. At that time, do not blame everything as well as everyone around and do not hold all the responsibility on yourself.
Don't be sad for too long, learn how to be an active participant in your own life, and at the same time try to think about what your ideal job would be and start working on it. show it.
You are in a period of paralysis due to fear of financial difficulties when The Hanged Man reversed appears. Don't hesitate to seek help when you're having a hard time. Just like The Hanged Man upright, even if you are tightening your belt, when you have a loaf of bread, you should share a small piece when someone needs it.
“Good leaves take care of torn leaves” is a long-standing tradition of our nation, even if you are a “tattered leaf”, there are still “broken leaves”. Then letting go to expand the flow is an extremely noble and sacred thing. And don't sit still and wait for the god of fortune to knock on the door, but set out to find some new opportunities!
The greatest meaning of The Hanged Man card is knowing how to leave at the right time. Likewise in love. When The Hanged Man reversed appears, the main advice you should not stubbornly hold on to things that do not belong to you. Once a person has walked away they will not look back. "No one bath in the same river twice". If you can love, you can quit, if you remember, you can forget, if you can start, you can end. Remember beautiful angels!
If you are single, open your heart to receive the happiness that you deserve. This card can also warn that sacrifice is not necessary for love. If you give and receive what you deserve, then that love will last forever.
When you feel unwell, you should review your daily routine. There may be things that you think you're doing right that turn out not to be, because those things aren't right for you. Listening to your body and implementing the right alternative therapies will help a lot for health.
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