
The Hermit - Description & Interpretation of the Spread

Jul 23, 2023

Card: The Hermit - Hermit
Elemental: Earth
Zero sign: Virgo (Virgo)
Planet: Mercury (Mercury)

I. Description of The Hermit

1. The meaning of position, zodiac The Hermit card

The Hermit card corresponds to the number 9 in the Tarot deck. In numerology this is a very interesting number: The number 9 represents fullness, fullness because this is the last number in the series of natural numbers from 0 to 9, And will always continue to multiply and grow. development because if 9 is multiplied by any one-digit number, the result of the sum of those two numbers will always be 9. Therefore, it also symbolizes the highest intelligence and wisdom.

In many cultures, the number 9 is considered as a representative of luck and merit, with a compassionate heart, rich in forgiveness but assertive and powerful: According to Chinese culture In ancient times, the number 9 was associated with the name "nine five supreme", directly linked with the emperors, showing superior authority and strength. ", eternal in eternity, eternal means sustainability, longevity, peak in all aspects. In astronomy, we have 9 planets in the solar system, creating balance in the world. The world we live in. In Hinduism, there is also the 9-headed Naga snake god, the supreme god who holds the life and death of all things in his hand.

The Hermit is associated with Virgo and is influenced by the Earth Element which reflects the qualities of precision, wisdom and reliability. Virgos are persistent, organized, humble and helpful people. They are as reliable as our wise old hermit.

This zodiac sign and Mercury are also associated with the card The Magician so The Hermit is often considered The Magician in old age. Because of many time events, it is possible that The Hermit has understood that reason and technology alone are not enough to fully understand spirituality, so now the hermit is looking for a separate path to go. supreme wisdom and eternal enlightenment.

2. Detailed description of The Hermit card

The Hermit card depicts an old hermit with a shaggy beard, aloof from society and living a lonely life, when on a cold winter night he stands alone on the top of a snow-white mountain. The snow mountain symbolizes his wisdom and achievements. The Hermit chose this path for self-discovery and as a result, he reached the pinnacle of awareness and was willing to share his knowledge with others.

In his right hand of consciousness, he holds a lantern. The light radiating inside the lantern is a six-pointed star, symbolizing the wisdom of Solomon (Solomon is the most famous king in the Bible for his wisdom and wisdom).

And in the left hand of the subconscious, The Hermit holds a long scepter, symbolizing the beginning of hardship and also symbolizing the strength and power of the head. He knows how to take advantage of the situation as well as the massive amount of knowledge he has to serve as a support tool on the way to eternal knowledge.

The hermit wears a gray robe over his head, showing that the knowledge he holds is not for everyone, but only for those who wholeheartedly seek and are willing to rise to the top. newly acquired wisdom.

II. Explaining keywords in The Hermit

In the journey of her life, it's time for The Fool to start asking thousands of thousands of thousands of "Why?" These are not merely questions that arise from passive curiosity about the world around them, but questions that go beyond ordinary morality, as a reason for people to live and exist. And The Hermit represents the need to learn those deepest truths.

Image The Hermit turns its back on society, intending to find the inner world with the stillness and solitude of the soul. Just like we will have times when we begin to question life, realize that the deeper truth is still out there and start looking.

This search is mostly solitary because the answer lies not in the outside world but in ourselves, sometimes it just comes from silence and solitude.

“Search, and you will find”, is the message that The Hermit card wants to convey. You may receive help from wise teachers, or vice versa, you may help others yourself.

III. The meaning of The Hermit reversed and forward

1. The meaning of The Hermit Upright card

a. Keyword

Study, introspection, solitude, introspection, subconscious telling, meditation, patience, prudence, discovery, wisdom, need for solitude and self-reflection .

b. About

The Hermit in an upright position indicates that you are taking a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life to focus your energy and attention inward to find the answer you are looking for. search. And you will realize that the truest knowledge and truth lies within yourself and not from the distractions of the outside world.

The Hermit also suggests that you may be going through an antisocial phase, not wanting to interact with people as much as you normally would. You isolate yourself or retreat into your own shell to recover from a difficult situation.

Because this card is strongly idealistic, even though you may be an atheist, if you need help and support, don't be shy if it gives you many perspectives and more info.

c. Overview

Just like the power card The Strength, you can sink deep into your mind and need time to be alone, don't worry, it's a good thing for you right now, do it!

Now is the perfect time to take a short trip or a spiritual pilgrimage, or even just a 5 minute walk around the house to clear your mind.

Don't care about others, leave mundane things behind to start a journey of self-discovery, just focus and do the right thing in accordance with your principles, then you will be guided by the light of wisdom within to guide the way.

d. Meaning of The Hermit Upright in Work

When The Hermit upright appears, this is a sign that you will succeed and receive the recognition of people. However, do not be too focused on work, all day face the deadline, or race with projects that forget your initial "heart".

Have you ever wondered if you really love this job or are you just trying to pursue material things? Everyone needs money to cover everything, but try to find ways to make money based on your strengths and interests. That's the real truth!

e. Meaning of The Hermit Upright in Finance

When The Hermit is up, this is a sign that you need to be careful with your financial trading decisions. This is the time for you to be more mature in your approach to money and investing. It seems that money is not your number one priority right now, but right now it is the spirit that is the most important thing. Try to save and cut unnecessary expenses as much as possible.

f. Meaning of The Hermit Upright in Love

The Hermit has never been a good card in love affairs. Maybe your past relationships will be revived. Do you really want to?

If you are in love with someone, this is the time when you feel most alone in this relationship, two people are going in two different directions, and when things go out of balance. equal, then quarrels will break out.

For now, if you're in a happy relationship and there's no sign that that's going to change anytime soon, great! However, that doesn't mean The Hermit's message won't happen to you. Instead of ignoring this message, make sure that you and your partner always appreciate it and work harder to stay happy.

g. Meaning of The Hermit Upright in Health

In a health spread, when The Hermit is upright, it signals that you are suffering from a disease that is "sick mind". You are perfectly healthy physically, but you are overwhelmed mentally.

Need to improve and immediately practice useful habits right now such as reading, meditation, yoga... these healing methods will help you regain peace of mind. You should be responsible for yourself because you are not born and raised by yourself, think of your family.

2. The meaning of The Hermit reversed (Reversed)

a. Keyword

Isolation, withdrawal, feelings of rejection, loneliness, withdrawal, doubt, self-pity, anxiety, avoidance, self-centeredness, health concerns.< /p>

b. About

When The Hermit is reversed, the card represents all the negative aspects, You may have suffered a great loss and are struggling with sadness. As difficult as it may seem, accepting your reality and embracing your feelings will help you move forward.

The reverse Hermit also wants to warn you that there are many things you are too focused on looking at the "truth" behind, that if possible, letting it go will be better for your life. you.

c. Overview

Just like the upright Hermit, the reversed Hermit also implies that there is nothing wrong with spending time alone sometimes. However, the person who is alone to relax the soul, enjoy the quiet freedom is different from the person who just wants to live in solitude, feeling fear and anxiety when around other people. Life is not always easy, so in each of us there is always a need for mental alertness.

d. The Meaning of The Hermit Reversed in Work

When The Hermit appears reversed, this can be a warning that you have finally reached the bottom of the problem that is bothering you at work. You are about to be played bad or trapped at work, but no one dares to help you right now.

Don't hesitate to ask questions to yourself as well as those around you to better understand what's going on, see if it's your fault. If not, then there is no need to fight back because "the trendy is the handsome one", try to adapt to the situation and go against the current when the time comes.

e. The Meaning of The Hermit Reversed in Finance

Finance has never been a playground for hotheads, now is the time to seek advice and thorough analysis of your financial problems. If you still don't understand how to manage cash flow by now, take the time to educate yourself and chart a specific path.

f. The meaning of The Hermit reversed in Love

The Hermit reversed in the context of love shows that this is a sign that you are gradually disgusted with loneliness and want to find someone to share your joys and sorrows with. Go out and look for opportunities, maybe you will find the "true love" of your life.

If you're already in a serious relationship, it's possible that one of you will feel distant. So the important thing to do now is to spend time and energy together, no matter how busy you two are.

g. The meaning of The Hermit reversed in Health

When The Hermit appears reversed in a reading, it shows that you are quite subjective with your health, your current exercise or diet is very ineffective, and you should start creating new ideas. better habits. The reversed Hermit can also be a stronger warning than the Upright Hermit that you need to spend more time relaxing, or your health could suffer.


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