
The Chariot - Description & Interpretation of the Spread

Jul 23, 2023

Card: The Chariot - Chariot
Elemental: Water
Zero Sign: Cancer (Cancer)
Planet: Moon

I. Description of The Chariot

1. The meaning of position, zodiac The Chariot card

The Chariot is the number 7 card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck. The number 7 is considered a mystical number because it symbolizes the power of the gods. This is also a divine number that awakens desire, leads people through many lessons in life to grow, trust and develop themselves to reach the top of glory.

The Chariot is connected with the zodiac sign Cancer and ruled by the Moon - a planet with spiritual values ​​that The Chariot is aspire to seek.

The element of Water that brings to life the origin of life is a true depiction of the mighty Chariot's desire to give birth to a worldview of his own. The warrior blood always flows in The Chariot's chest, urging him to conquer each goal of his life.

Cancer represents those who are brave, try, never give up and have the quality of a leader like The Chariot. This is also the constellation of motherhood, home and family life. No matter how far you go, no matter how successful you are, home is where we find ourselves.

2. Detailed description of The Chariot card

The Chariot card is depicted by the image of the warrior Julius Caesar standing on a glorious chariot entering Rome as a victor. He defeated the enemy and obtained many lands and spoils.

The curtain on the carriage was filled with stars and armor with two crescent moons facing outwards, symbolizing the image of the world that was about to be created. The square in the center of the armor represents the power of will.

Along with other alchemy symbols on the lapel signifying the clearance of psychic signals. The laurel wreath and star crown on The Chariot's head show that this warrior has won the highest victory in the process of spiritual development.

Despite sitting on a rickshaw, The Chariot did not have the slightest action to control the vehicle. His hand does not hold the reins, but only holds a wand like The Magician, representing The Chariot controlling the chariot with his willpower. With his imposing stance, he always acts and moves forward, because every second and every minute is a goal for The Chariot to conquer.

Inspiring wings with a pair of black and white sphinxes in front represent the opposites that exist in life, which are inseparable opposites. The black sphinx is The moon, feminine, represents the unconscious. The white sphinx is the sun, masculine, representing consciousness. Together they create harmony and balance, with the meaning that we have can always move forward but cannot break the laws of balance of nature.

II. Key words in The Chariot

On the road to adulthood, The Fool now has its own identity and the ability to control itself, and the Chariot The Chariot is the representative of The Fool's strong ego at this time. The Fool already knows what he wants and is sure of its success, so this is also a time to make him satisfied and a little complacent.

The Chariot is a card of will, determination, discipline, and strength and determination. Wherever The Chariot sets foot, it is covered with illustrious feats.

This card also represents the positive side of the ego, being strong and confident in yourself, knowing what you want and how to achieve it. People with large egos are often difficult to approach and make others unfriendly. But when it comes to solving problems, it is their strong determination that will help us overcome difficulties.

The lesson in The Chariot is that victory and success are the results of hard work, clear goals and high determination. If you are aiming for a certain goal, The Chariot urges you not to give up easily, keep pursuing until you achieve them.

III. The meaning of The Chariot reversed and forward

1. The Meaning of Upright Chariot

the chariot tarot card upright

a. Keyword

Control, energy, clear purpose, victory, affirmation, determination, strength, will, determination, steadfastness, success, domination, intelligence, mastery of destiny , victory, recognition.

b. About

The upright The Chariot in Tarot spreads radiates a lot of positive energy as you are on your way to realizing your dreams.

The main message that The Chariot brings is that you must maintain focus, control your energy to properly use your strength, and confidence and determination are the key to ensure guarantee that you will overcome the obstacles that stand in your way and win in every situation.

c. Overview

The upright Chariot signifies encouragement when it is present in the reading. This card is oriented towards assertiveness, ambition, wanting to experiment and excelling in everything to prove yourself.

There is always a part of us that is warlike, so The Chariot is here to remind you that; Just control and master your circumstances, perfect use of both your mind and heart, you will really go to success.

d. Meaning of The Chariot Upright in Work

At work, The Chariot is upright, signaling that this is a good sign for a transformation at work. If you want to be self-employed and make your own salary, this is the perfect time, don't let the little things affect you and waste your precious time. They are just jealous and want to sabotage you.

Let intentions and motivations fill your mind. Moving forward and conquering big goals is what you need to do. Your ambition will take you far.

On the other hand, if you are looking for a job or feel stuck in your career, now is a good time to meet and pursue the job you've always wanted.

e. Meaning of The Chariot Upright in Finance

Your finances are extremely positive and prosperous when The Chariot card appears. You should consider paying off all your debts right now, shopping for essentials, or spending some money to reward yourself after a hard day's work.

According to self-discipline, you will be able to feel comfortable with your financial situation. Do not lend at this time because you will most likely lose that money!

f. Meaning of The Chariot Upright in Love

The Chariot upside down signals that you are being tempted by the "instant noodle" relationship, its undeniable attraction when it brings a new feeling, magically attracts each other. But after those new feelings, everything will quickly end when that initial enthusiasm is extinguished. Then we search again, experience again, and then end up in a never-ending loop.

If you are in love, the big ego of both of you is also an obstacle to the current relationship, it makes the two of you enter the climactic, never-ending arguing phase. If you can't find a solution, then the end is the foretold end of your relationship.

g. Meaning of The Chariot Upright in Health

In general, your health is still fine when The Chariot is present. However, your digestive system may be a bit problematic, so now is the perfect time to start a new exercise regimen.

Spirit is also very important in health life, so you need to control your anger, avoid being "too angry", affecting yourself and those around you.< /p>

2. The meaning of The Chariot reversed (Reversed)

the chariot tarot card reversed

a. Keyword

Lack of control and direction, aggression, aggression, aggression, failure, high ambition, imbalance, impatience, doubt, anxiety, sadness, incomplete relationship , failed plans, vehicle problems, impotence.

b. About

Although reversed, The Chariot is still a card of change, but you are letting obstacles and challenges stand in the way, preventing you from achieving what you have set out to do. It all becomes too difficult and you are gradually getting discouraged, losing the will to continue, which will likely lead to failure in the future.

However, stop and think for a moment about the things that are most important to you, about why you want to achieve this goal? Then your mind and heart will guide you to find the direction of the sun.

c. Overview

The appearance of The Chariot reversed in a reading can help you become aware of both your aggression and weakness. You are lacking focus, motivation or direction, or you are obsessed with the goals you set.

Take this opportunity to tighten the reins and become more disciplined in what you are doing. Curb your impulses if you really want to go further and further. Don't be a passenger in your own life, focus and take back your control!

d. The meaning of the reversed Chariot in Work

The Chariot reversed signifies that you are being too aggressive and powerful in pursuing your goals. Full energy at work is good, but sometimes your ego is too big to affect your relationships with those around you.

Please slow down and listen to people more, be careful and wise in arranging, brainstorming ideas for others to accept and listen to you. If you want to go fast, go alone. And if you want to go far, go together.

e. The meaning of The Chariot reversed in Finance

Even if reversed, The Chariot also brings good values ​​​​in terms of material, although not too rich, but still enough to spend and make you feel comfortable. However, be careful with bargains falling from the sky, because nothing in the world is free. And do not rush to invest or do financial transactions without careful consideration.

f. The meaning of the reversed Chariot in Love

You're in too much of a hurry to get the love of your life. When things don't go as fast as you would like, you need to learn to be patient and wait. Because all need to evolve with their time.

The ripe fruit is often bitter, so wait and slowly build up your feelings to enjoy the sweet fruit in your love life, because you always deserve to love and be loved.

And if you are extremely tired of your other half and want to get out of the relationship as soon as possible, this card is here to say it, there will be no salvation here, because you can't continue anymore.

g. The meaning of The Chariot reversed in Health

You are determined to improve your physical condition, but do not take risks with your health. No one can get better and better overnight, so slowly give your body time to adapt and change. Good health is a process of accumulation, balance and maintenance over a long period of time.


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