
The Sun - Description & Interpretation of the Spread

Jul 23, 2023

Card: The Sun - The Sun
Elemental: Fire
Zodiac: Leo (Leo)
Planet: Sun

I. Description of the card The Sun

1. The meaning of position, zodiac The Sun card

The Sun is a card numbered 19 in the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck. With the number 1 being the opening number and the number 9 being the ending number, when combined they will form a cycle. And when we do the addition of these two numbers it will equal 10, a perfect number, a perfect end and a new cycle begins.

Similar to the Sun - The Sun, every day opens up a beautiful new day and ends in a wonderful way. The number 10 is also the number of the Wheel of Fortune card, which represents integrity, luck and reincarnation.

It is obvious that the Sun is the ruling planet of The Sun card and the Fire is the dominant element. It is the most important star in our Solar System and also the closest star to Earth. In the beliefs of many cultures, the Sun is the supreme being, one of the ultimate gods, the greatest and most powerful being.

For the physical world, The Sun also has a similar position. That "great fire" provides us with heat and is an excellent source of light energy, essential for the survival of many living things. If this Earth lacks sunlight, of course it will quickly become a dead planet.

Accompanied by a connection with a strong Leo sign, full of strength and pride. A Lion who always shows his power and dynamism, enthusiasm and high independence will be a strong reflection of this supreme Sun.

2. Detailed description of The Sun card

The Sun card is depicted with the image of Mr. Sun - The big Sun is shining brightly, with a gentle but dignified face like a gentle father looking at everything - the children my dear child on this planet. In it, there is a naked child playing in the warm rays of the sun.

Children are like blank sheets of paper, they are innocent and carefree, symbolizing happiness from the depths of the soul when we truly understand ourselves. The baby is the representative of what is primitive, the most primitive of man; always innocent, carefree, pure. The boy was wearing nothing because he had nothing to hide.

The white horse that the boy rides represents purity and strength in the soul. He doesn't need a saddle, but he can still control and balance on horseback, this is the perfect image of conscious and subconscious control.

The red flag in the boy's hand represents the process of purification, self-renewal, conveying new energy and motivation, symbolizing love and passion. He raised the flag fluttering in the wind and radiated happiness. The flag's fiery red color moves with the wind like waves of the sea reflecting the sun shining with enthusiasm and dynamism.

Four sunflowers bloom brilliantly behind the child, the flower always faces the Sun, taking the Sun as a life goal to rise to shine with nature as representing the four Earth elements. - Water - Fire - Air (Pentacles - Cups - Wands - Swords) in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck. At the same time, these are also the basic elements to form and maintain life on this planet. Creatures living in the sun's nourishment are always so full of life.

II. Key words in The Sun

Only the light of The Sun can guide and empower the Fool to continue his life's journey. That light shines in all the darkest places. The light dispels the clouds of confusion and fear. Light brings knowledge, helps The Fool enlighten everything, helps him both feel and realize the good things of the world.

And thanks to that bright aura, he realized that his past had been washed away and started to become a new person, always ready to start new things.

The Sun is a picture of optimism, the light will be flooded after a long dark night. When we light a candle in the night, we can see everything. And when we light the lamp in our mind, we will see the path to enlightenment.

The Sun's light energy is unlimited, if we use it properly we will shine. The Sun is the source of all life on Earth, and this card number 19 is certainly not a card of docility and rest.

III. The meaning of The Sun card is reversed and forward

1. The meaning of The Upright (Upright) card

a. Keywords:

Joyful, warm, optimistic, successful, vital, vital, bright, enlightened, happy.

b. About

The upright Sun card symbolizes success, shine and brilliance. Like the literal Sun itself, it gives strength and vitality to all who are fortunate enough to feel those universal rays.

This is a sign that you will probably feel free for a while, with much joy and happiness coming your way. People are attracted to you because they see the warm and beautiful energy you bring into their lives. This is your time to shine!

c. Overview

There are too many words to describe the light that radiates from The Sun's energy source. You will see clearly and understand hidden truths, expand your limits, and show your potential. Because you have a strong energy source, you will spread joy and inspiration to everyone. This is a great time to travel, socialize, meet new friends, and experience different things.

d. Meaning of The Sun Upright in Work

In a professional context, The Sun card - the supreme Sun brings success, optimism and joy wherever it shines. At the same time, signifies a moment of great success after months of perseverance and hard work. You have been and are being recognized by your own capacity and responsibility.

What's more wonderful than after spending time and effort taking care of the fruit picking day. This happiness and positivity can be contagious and create a wonderful environment for your colleagues and those around you.

If you're looking for a new job, The Sun up and down implies that a position that suits both your interests and abilities is coming very close, keep your positivity.< /p>

e. Meaning of The Sun Upright in Finance

The Sun down encourages you to take advantage of the approaching opportunity. The sun shines light on everything, making it possible for us to see everything clearly. If there are any hidden factors related to your finances, they can be revealed now.

Also be prepared for unexpected expenses. If you're waiting for someone else's decision, you won't have to wait any longer and the decision may be in your favor.

f. Meaning of The Sun Upright in Love

If you are in a relationship, your feelings are very good and sublimated. However, you and your partner still need to give each other some privacy, so don't rely too much on each other, or it will be counterproductive. The upright Sun also suggests celebration and fulfillment in this card. Maybe a wedding of the century is coming!

And if you are looking for love then surely your warm "sun" will soon appear. That is the person who will be able to break down the negative barriers in your psychology for so long.

g. Meaning of The Sun Upright in Health

This is a card of vitality, so you are in a state of "full battery" both physically and mentally. You are always full of life, balance and positivity. In addition, this is also one of the main cards about pregnancy. Therefore, the appearance of The Sun is a signal for a little angel to be born, if you are expecting your small family to have more members, then congratulations.

2. The meaning of the reversed Sun card

a. Keyword

Temporary depression, pessimism, procrastination, feelings of failure, disagreement, misunderstanding.

b. About

With The Sun reversed, you may find it difficult to focus on the positive aspects of certain situations. The reversed Sun usually does not mean that your situation is too bad, but that you are feeling pessimistic and affected by negative things, and it directly affects your outlook on life.

Dense dark clouds are blocking the warm rays you need to make progress. You need to make a special effort to focus on your warm rays.

c. Overview

The reversed Sun can be a sign that you are lacking reality. You still have the power to change these bad things by expressing gratitude for the good things in life. Be confident in yourself and express your desires sincerely.

d. The meaning of The reversed Sun in Work

In a work spread, when reversed, The Sun suggests that there may be things that are being obscured by a "dark cloud" and make you feel depressed or pessimistic. To untie this knot, you must be the one holding the rope. Don't let the closing negativity stop you from taking decisive action and improving the situation.

The reverse Sun also shows that when needed, you should also share the results of your work with your teammates, even though you have "contracted" most of the work, to maintain relationships and standards. given a new step. Sometimes this card can also imply overconfidence or unrealistic expectations when it comes to your ambitions.

Hold your negotiation skills as well as your expertise if you're looking for a new job.

e. The meaning of The reversed Sun in Finance

In general, there is nothing to worry about financially when The Sun reversed appears. Even though you're still spending a bit too much, let's cut back a bit. Also, the person you're waiting for the decision will soon respond and it could be a decision in your favor.

You like to shine on your own, so when the opportunity is given you are quite hesitant. Accepting the help of others is not bad at all, maybe it is a stepping stone to make your light even brighter.

f. The meaning of the reversed Sun in Love

When the reversed Sun appears, it means that you or your partner are showing signs of dependence in love. One or both of you are thinking that your relationship will stay as good as it is now. Fire only burns when more wood is added, and love too, is only passionate when both nurture and care about each other's feelings.

Of course with a card as hopeful as The Sun, even if it's reversed, it's not too bad, it's just that the sun is being covered by clouds. Change and act while you can.

If you are single, the reversed Sun is still a positive card. You wouldn't want a bad person to come into your life, would you? So try to cultivate and develop yourself more, patiently wait for love to come when you least expect it!

g. The meaning of the reversed Sun in Health

It will be a mental health warning when the reversed Sun appears, your pessimism and negativity may be exacerbating health related problems. It is pulling you back to the starting line.

This is a great time to rest and enjoy life if you can. Try changing your environment for a few days by traveling! Surely this is the most effective remedy! The Sun reversed also indicates a difficult or unwanted pregnancy, miscarriage, or abortion. Women need to be careful!


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