
The Fool - Description & Interpretation of the Spread

Jul 23, 2023

Card: The Fool - The Clown
Elemental: Air
Zodiac: Aquarius)
Planet: Uranus

I. Description of The Fool

1. The meaning of position, zodiac The Fool card

The Fool is the first card in the Major Arcana. Bearing the ordinal number 0, an endless number filled with mystery, separated by negative and positive numbers, representing the beginning of perfection, pristine and pure.

The Fool's position corresponds to the position of Uranus, the planet of rebellion and volatility, love of freedom, hate of principle. It is also the constellation that represents change, awakening, surprise, and the embodiment of the future.

The Fool is also ruled by Aquarius, the most unique and unpredictable zodiac sign. Symbolizes people with great vision, which can benefit all mankind. They always operate, create as well as act to make a difference. Therefore, we will never know, what is in front of The Fool?

2. Detailed description of The Fool card

At first glance through this card, we see a young man, head held high, arms outstretched, ready to start a new adventure, ready to accept everything. come to me. The Fool begins his life's journey with innocence, full of optimism and freedom from the usual constraints of life.

He carried nothing but a bag and held a white flower in his hand, along with his companion a small white dog, a symbol of innocence, purity, The Fool is not alone on this journey. As he stood on the edge of the cliff, the young man held his head high and looked up at the sky, showing no signs of fear, regardless of what was waiting for him ahead.

But actually, if you take it one step further, it is possible that The Fool will fall off the cliff, but this does not seem to bother him, or The Fool is not really aware of the danger. This danger is caused by the reality that the young man is immersed in his own world.

The sun rises behind him, in the distance are sharp mountains rising, symbolizing a promising journey.

II. Keyword Explanation in The Fool

The Fool stands out as a symbol of innocence and purity. Therefore, the upcoming journey will be a stepping stone to form new personalities, marking a milestone in his growth later. The Fool believes that anything is possible and that there are many things beyond the big world waiting to be discovered.

For many people, the journey of this fool, full of dreams is a bit crazy and foolish, but it is that innocence that keeps The Fool alive and gives him joy in life. this chaotic life.

The Fool leads a simple, worry-free and seemingly trouble-free life, due to the fact that he never knows what will happen to him. Consider him a blank sheet of paper, as The Fool has yet to develop a clear personality.

III. Meaning of The Fool reversed and forward

1. The meaning of The Fool Upright (Upright)

the fool tarot card upright

a. Keyword

New beginnings, new beginnings, new opportunities, innocence, stupidity, recklessness, enthusiasm, daring to embark on a new path, open mind, free spirit, confidence, fun fresh, take risks, free from restraint.

b. About

Meeting The Fool in a reading can also be seen as a positive, filled with the purity and openness of a child. He inspires courage, is someone who points out something new, every day is an opportunity to open up new areas of life.

The Fool's there to point out that you can never really know what lies ahead, so we can only gleefully welcome it and make sure to 'find the way'. going right” is very important.

c. Overview

This card represents a new beginning with a deep spiritual meaning. The Fool is us when we begin to come to life, the moment when we first cry and wave to this world. The appearance of The Fool in the upright sense can foretell an important start full of optimism, freshness.

d. Meaning of The Fool Upright in Work

When The Fool appears in your career Tarot reading, it means new beginnings are coming, sometimes it signals a new position, or this is the time to start a business. own.

Even if there are no new drastic changes to the work, The Fool can be like a cool breeze blowing in to increase coolness, freshness. It is important that you are aware of the opportunities you have and courageously seize them when they arise.

e. Meaning of The Fool Upright in Finance

Financially, during this period you should aim to learn new skills and equip yourself with knowledge. Don't worry about expenses, because it's a profitable trade. If you take chances, believe in yourself, work hard, you will earn more than you think.

f. Meaning of The Fool Upright in Love

When this card appears in the love Tarot reading, it is a sign of encouragement to be ready to embark on a new emotional adventure. You may not be ready for a committed relationship, but everyone around you is pushing you to do so.

However, this is a sign that you will need to experience new things to find the romance you desire, be willing to take risks to broaden your view of the world and You can find love in the most unlikely of places.

But don't be so busy having fun that you miss true love when it comes to you.

g. Meaning of The Fool Upright in Health

You may have some minor health problems with the upright The Fool, but don't worry, it will improve quickly. You will find noble people and means to help you recover quickly and fully. Right now you just need to think positive and optimistic and have fun, don't worry because it can be a cause of harm to your health.

2. The meaning of The Fool reversed (Reversed)

the fool tarot card Reversed

a. Keyword

Afraid, fearful, insecure, frivolous, impulsive, fearful of new beginnings, taking risks, feeling stupid, negative, irresponsible, inconsiderate, wasted energy force.

b. About

Even when reversed, The Fool still signifies a new beginning. So this is usually considered a positive card. However, when reversed, this card can show that something needs to be renewed, but in doing so you are behaving a bit recklessly or too hesitantly.

Like the young man depicted in the card, he does not see how dangerous the position he is in so it shows that you are living in the present and not planning for the future. hybrid.

c. Overview

In general, this card, whether reversed or forward, still represents new beginnings with deep spiritual meaning, but when reversed, it indicates that this beginning of you is a little bit resistant and reluctant.

d. The meaning of The Reverse Fool in Work

You may have enough energy to come up with brilliant ideas or have great plans for work. However, you are not smart enough to do it.

Also, The Fool reversed can signal that your current job is boring, and you feel it's time for a change. Consider these plans very carefully before making a choice. At least give some thought to these potential changes. There may be more dangers than you see right now.

e. The Meaning of The Fool Reversed in Finance

When it comes to finances, the reversed Fool can suggest new financial opportunities, but beware of recklessness. This means that you will have to do your research first, making sure you have analyzed the issue fully before making any trades so that you don't incur any loss.

f. The meaning of The Fool reversed in Love

When The Fool is reversed in a love Tarot reading, it can signal that you are in conflict with that person because your independence, freedom-loving, dislike of ties is too high. .

Your relationship can be exciting, but there are some risky behaviors that lead to feelings of insecurity and possibly wobble. So, follow the adventure to make love more interesting but there must be a stop.

g. The meaning of The Fool reversed in Health

If you are having a health problem and have this card reversed, there is a chance that your health will suddenly change slightly. This is also a suggestion for you to consider a different treatment or perhaps a different doctor.

However, "one smile is ten tonic ladders", maintaining a happy state, an optimistic spirit is very important, because negative attitudes and thoughts will directly affect your health. us.


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