Jul 23, 2023
The Hierophant is the number 5 card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck. In the Five Elements theory, everything starts with 5 elements:
So the number 5 symbolizes the balance of creation. At the same time, it also signifies honor, authority and fertility, longevity.
The Hierophant' is ruled by Taurus, the Zodiac sign has an abundant energy source, always fighting for what it believes in, especially spiritual values. The Hierophant values loyalty and faith. It is this perfect combination that makes The Hierophant always uphold its traditional values, and impart precious spiritual treasures.
This is the counterpart of The High Priestess in the Tarot deck. Both are illustrated by a monk sitting between two pillars in a shrine. However, if you look closely, this temple looks very different from the temple on The High Priestess card.
The Hierophant sat there with a serious face and poise. His outfit consists of three colors: red, blue and white, and a three-tiered crown is sitting on his head. Both represent the three different worlds that He rules (conscious, subconscious and superconscious).
The Hierophant's left hand holds a three-tiered Cross representing the Holy Trinity, showing the connection with the Pope, and His right hand raised means blessing, blessing the faithful who are knelt before Him.
The Hierophant's mission is to spread his spiritual knowledge and help them gain knowledge. Through these devotees, the card also represents education and the transfer of sacred knowledge.
The keys crossed at the feet of The Hierophant symbolize the balance between the conscious and the subconscious, and also represent the mysteries that can only be unlocked by practice and understanding. assembly.
Basically, this Tarot card The Hierophant in the Major Arcana represents a clear path to enter the next level of life, which is spirituality.
This is the next step in The Fool's journey when he decides to leave the arms of his parents (The Empress and The Emperor) to come into contact with beliefs and cultural traditions, education, and learning. ask social etiquette.
The Hierophant is considered a priest, a priest, or will act as a teacher and representative of education. It is common for each of us to grow and develop in one or more cultural settings. Therefore, The Hierophant symbolizes formal learning, especially in groups with clearly divided rules and responsibilities.
Religion, education, conformity, tradition, faith, belief, creed, ethical requirements, spiritual progress, prayer, studious tradition, dedication, sharing knowledge
The upright Hierophant card indicates that you desire to abide by the norms and limits of an established set of spiritual values and beliefs. You are not yet ready to take the risk to come up with any new ideas and creations. Instead, you stick to principles and rules that you know will lead to successful results.
The upside down Hierophant also often represents being taught, gaining knowledge from experts and knowledgeable teachers. This card also shows that someone will appear in your life as a psychologist, spiritual advisor or friend who gives you faith.
Besides, The Hierophant also means calling to honor family traditions or forgotten sacred rituals. If you don't have a faith to lean on yet, you might consider exploring your own spirituality, spiritual heritage, or beliefs.
This is a card that favors the spiritual aspect, everything related to customs, beliefs, religion, etc. There may be stuck, skepticism, differences between your spiritual beliefs. you and the beliefs of those around you. At that time, you just have to believe in what you think is right and stick to those standards and fixed values.
In a work spread, The Hierophant Tarot card upright indicates success when working in teams or groups. You'll probably be fine on your own, but The Hierophant encourages teamwork rather than individual effort.
In addition, The Hierophant also shows that the "Teacher" you are looking for will appear, they will help you improve your qualifications as well as advance in your work.
The upright The Hierophant also encourages the exchange of knowledge. So don't refuse to help someone with their problems!
When The Upside Down The Hierophant appears, you should think twice when spending money. Taurus tends to accumulate wealth for the future. So, The Hierophant suggests that your money should be kept safe in the usual and traditional ways like putting away a piggy bank or putting it in the bank.
You can invest, but provided that everything is sustainable and stable, consult with experienced people to avoid unnecessary uncertainties. This is not the time to try your luck with “unusual” bonds or stocks or venture into new areas no matter how lucrative.
Spending old habits and drawing up principles to maintain financial stability is what The Hierophant upright card wants to emphasize.
Try to save some money for when you really need it. Surely you won't regret it!
The Hierophant is a good sign for a romantic relationship, signaling a happy ending. So, for those who are in love or planning to take their relationship to the next level, when receiving The Hierophant, prepare for a happy family home.
If you are single, then this card signals that a special person is about to enter your life. This new relationship will be built on tolerance, love and security.
If you are feeling tired and down, the upright The Hierophant indicates that "traditional" healing may be the best path for you at this time.
Take a few regular pills, do some exercise, take vitamin supplements to strengthen the immune system, it will bring unexpected results!
For healthy people, this Tarot card represents a time of health and freshness, continue to maintain healthy eating habits and track your physical activity.
p>Restriction, challenge, rebellion, unreliability, extremism, distortion, bias, fervor, stubbornness.
When The Hierophant appears in reverse, it shows a strong rebellion. You are feeling bound by too many structures and rules and you want to change those traditions, social norms and rigid rules.
The reversal of this card is like a teenager starting to rebel, asking many questions and causing conflicts or arguments with parents or the surrounding adults. This card sometimes reflects pressure in groups and groups. You are forced to follow but do not agree with that system of rules.
The reversed Hierophant encourages you to review the way you work and the people around you and ask yourself if it aligns with your values. Make sure whatever you do will be the right thing for you in the given time.
When the reversed Hierophant appears in a career context, it shows that you should trust yourself more than advice that disagrees with your current mindset.
Also, in collective projects, you will feel pressure to follow the consensus of the whole group even though it goes against your personal beliefs. At that time, you can break out to go separately if the conflict reaches a climax. This doesn't matter, because sometimes the rules aren't exactly right. You should believe in yourself.
This may be the time when you feel restless and restless, always feel like investing money in different areas to make a profit. However, it will likely result in certain casualties and losses.
So, like The Hierophant upstream, keep your finances in check. Don't "flap your hands too much" on seasonal profits because it can make you "empty hands" at any time!
Remember, this time is only suitable for hoarding and hoarding!
When The Hierophant reversed appears in a love reading, it implies that your relationship is lacking in attraction, is gradually becoming monotonous and boring, making you not want to continue.
At that time, remember how you and that person started, what attracted each other. It's not easy to meet in the middle of a sea of people, so try while you can, when you feel you can't go on together, it's not too late to let go.
If you are still lonely, this card symbolizes patience and waiting for the right time to welcome that person into your life. You will be attracted to people who have a free life and an open mind.
The reversed Hierophant wants you to change a few things and step out of your comfort zone to make new progress in your health. For example, kids should get out and play more and get away from digital things as much as possible.
If you have some health problems that are still not getting better, it is time for you to try new methods such as meditation exercises, yoga to regain balance in your mind, or diet. Strict nutrition. The most important thing is still to take time to rest and balance everything.
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