
The High Priestess - Description & Interpretation of the Spread

Jul 23, 2023

Card: The High Priestess - Priestess
Elemental: Water
Zero Sign: Cancer (Cancer)
Planet: Moon

I. Description of the card The High Priestess

1. The meaning of position, zodiac card The High Priestess

The High Priestess is the number 2 card in the Major Arcana. The number 2 is known to be an extremely "feminine" number but also "feminist" when it represents the two elements of grace and power. In addition, the goal that number 2 is aiming for is to bring peace and balance to all things.

The moon is the governing star of The High Priestess, so it is not surprising that the "femininity" covers this card. The Moon is also in the territory of Cancer crabs of the Water element, showing a rich inner world, very affectionate, family-oriented and emotionally sensitive. In addition, water also represents understanding and healing.

2. Detailed description of The High Priestess card

At the beginning of the journey, The Fool immediately encounters two people, that is the magician The Magician and a beautiful, mysterious woman who resides between two pillars and is illuminated by light. moon. She is the opposite of The Magician, quiet and hidden in the dark. That is The High Priestess - the beautiful priestess, the keeper and protector of eternal mysteries.

The High Priestess is illustrated by an image of a Priestess sitting between darkness and light, represented by the two symbolic pillars of the Kabbalah Tree of Life in the Temple of Solomon. They represent the opposite and dual nature of an issue.

The thin carpet decorated with pomegranates seems to separate the curiosity of others and hide the secrets behind. Only those who are talented and wise enough can lift the curtain and see the pure Nun.

The High Priestess, young, beautiful, exudes nobility in a white nun's blue robe, wearing a crown with a sphere in the center like the sun shining into her thoughts. and the image of the cross on the chest has existed since ancient times across many cultures. All of them symbolize superhuman intelligence and the status of a ruler.

In her hand she holds the Torah, in which part of it is opened, signifying that the source of divine knowledge is both implicit and explicit. It will be revealed if someone is willing to dig deeper to absorb and learn advanced knowledge.

The crescent moon at the feet of The High Priestess is also seen in many depictions of the Virgin Mary, demonstrating her association with divine feminism.II. Keyword Interpretation in The High Priestess The High Priestess receives a lot of energy from the moon in terms of silence, calmness and serenity to stabilize the strong energy from The Magician ahead.

However, the femininity of The High Priestess is by no means soft. On the contrary, the integrity of a Nun is a symbol of true feminism.

When The High Priestess appears in a reading, she is calling for you to be more open-minded, to trust yourself a little more, and to follow your intuition. But sometimes it also takes a silence to wait and accept things. Because to achieve the goal does not necessarily require action, but sometimes silence is the necessary factor to accomplish everything.

III. The meaning of The High Priestess card reversed and forward

1. The meaning of The High Priestess Upright card

the high priestess tarot card upright

a. Keyword

Intuition, hidden wisdom, spirituality, giftedness, mystery, subconscious mind, spiritual enlightenment, higher powers, help, advice, patience in love, women's secrets female, goddess, meditation, creative inspiration, guide, mentor.

b. About

The Upright High Priestess in the Tarot reading represents the spirit, intuition, rich source of knowledge within, listening and believing the inner calling.

You need to trust your instincts, listen to your intuition and follow the path that you think is best, without prioritizing your intellect, reason, or what others say.

Moreover, this upright Tarot card also means that you are sure to possess a good treasure of knowledge, start searching for your goals and dreams and conquer it.

c. Overview

When the Upright High Priestess appears in a reading, it refers to a connection with the subconscious that cannot be penetrated through events that occur in daily life but through dreams and symbols. So when you try to take the time to meditate and listen to the voice in your mind, then your intuition will provide useful information and help you get closer to the subconscious. mine.

d. The meaning of The High Priestess Upright in Work

In a work spread, the upright High Priestess appears to remind you now is the time to trust your instincts, to believe in yourself. Sometimes, we decide something based on our feelings, even if it goes against the prejudice of the majority, it is not a stupid thing.

Successful people always have their own way! As long as the path is correct and built on a foundation of knowledge, it is worth a try. Find yourself a true passion to pursue and remove the barriers that are binding you. When making choices about your future career or project, The High Priestess also recommends trusting your intuition.

If you are bored and tired with your current job but do not have the courage to change, the solution The High Priestess offers is to stay away from gossip at work, so focus on work. their work to make life at work less stressful.

e. Meaning of The High Priestess Upright in Finance

Financially, during this period you should aim to learn new skills and equip yourself with knowledge. Don't worry about expenses, because it's a profitable trade. If you take chances, believe in yourself, work hard, you will earn more than you think.

f. The meaning of The High Priestess Upright in Love

Although it is a card that represents femininity, the feminism in The High Priestess makes you just want to be a single woman who likes freedom and makes many people desire. You are standing with your head held high.

If you are a man and the upright High Priestess appears in your love Tarot reading, it indicates that you are infatuated, secretly in love with a woman with a sexy, intelligent beauty. , charming. Even though it's right in front of you, but far from the horizon - someone you can't reach.

In a relationship, The High Priestess exhibits increasing intimacy and openness, a fulfilling sex life. This card also signals that honesty is essential for your relationship to be as strong as possible. Although the other person can often hide their feelings, if you show that you are a good companion, they will gradually open up and work with you to uncover the secrets behind the curtain.

g. The meaning of The High Priestess Upright in Health

When The High Priestess is opened, it signals that you will have some health and mental problems. If you feel something is wrong with your body, don't be subjective, believe it and immediately take care of yourself. Make sure you provide your body with enough nutrients and exercise regularly.

The High Priestess card upright also represents a small part of the fertility and pregnancy of women. It's not much, but it's worth noting.

2. The meaning of The High Priestess card reversed (Reversed)

the high priestess tarot card reversed

a. Keyword

Inability, hidden secrets, need to listen to instincts, mental strength, feeling isolated, message of dreams, inner enlightenment, sexual dysfunction .

b. About

When this card is reversed, it can indicate that you are having some trouble listening to your own intuition. You become more focused and interested in the opinions of others rather than your inner wisdom. Trust yourself because you have all the wisdom and knowledge you need.

c. Overview

The High Priestess reversed is a reminder that no matter what situation or problem you are facing, as long as you listen to your inner dialogue, you are living true to yourself. me.

When you are so influenced by external things that it becomes more difficult to trust your intuition. Then it is a sign that you need to slow down, meditation and reflection, journaling or yoga is also a good way to calm the mind and reconnect with the subconscious world. mine.

d. The meaning of The High Priestess reversed in Work

The High Priestess reversed says that perhaps you are stuck and confused about what is going on at work. Therefore, seeking help from people around will be a great idea. However, you will have to think carefully before placing your trust in someone, otherwise you do not want to be "stabbed" in the back.

If your intuition tells you to be a little humble, remove your ego at work to avoid isolation, then do it. Boldly learn and absorb new things, things will gradually clear up. Time will soon be in your favor .

e. The meaning of The High Priestess reversed in Finance

Financially, someone may be being dishonest with you, be careful when The High Priestess is reversed. Read the terms carefully before signing a big contract, taking out a loan, mortgage, or investing in something. Trust your intuition if it doesn't feel right.

Don't hesitate to seek information or seek advice because when The High Priestess appears in reverse, things are certainly not as they appear.

f. The meaning of The High Priestess reversed in Love

The High Priestess reversed appearing in questions about love shows that you are being targeted by someone. They really want you. But difficulties can arise in communicating with your partner, when you are too honest and straightforward it can hurt the other person.

If you are in a relationship, you may experience intense emotional outbursts and sexual tension. When there's an argument or you find yourself losing patience with your partner, take some time for yourself!

g. The meaning of The High Priestess reversed in Health

In the context of health, the reversed Tarot of The High Priestess indicates that you are losing the balance inherent to your health problems. They originate from your excessive negative thoughts and worries. Find out more information about the problem you are having, ask for advice from a doctor or find people who are able to understand and confide in and share to relieve some of your anxiety.

If you don't feel right, trust your intuition and seek other support until you feel comfortable. Please ensure the diet, provide enough energy for the body and exercise to improve health.


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