
Six of Swords - Spread Description & Interpretation

Jul 23, 2023

Card: Six of Swords - Escape from the Past
Elemental: Air
Zodiac: Scorpio
Planet: Pluto

Life is a journey, not a destination. Accept the present and believe that better things are waiting for you ahead.

I. Description of the Six of Swords card

1. The meaning of the position, zodiac sign of the Six of Swords card

Six of Swords is the 6th card of the Swords suit in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck. The number 6 in the Swords series often means transition and balance, it represents hope and stability. This is a positive signal, indicating that there may be good changes to come and you need to keep your mind ready for new opportunities.

Six of Swords associated with Scorpio (Scorpio) and Pluto (Pluto) together make a transformation, creating their own journey. The combination of all three has the ability to overcome difficulties, adapt to change and discover new things. At the same time, it also emphasizes the strong, determined and ready to overcome challenges of the Scorpio people, and the profound transformations that bring about the breakthrough of Pluto.

2. Detailed description of the Six of Swords card

On the card, we see a small boat moving on a calm and peaceful river. The boat was steered by a man with a tall, strong build. He acts as a captain assisting in bringing the guests beyond this land, bringing them to the shore where they belong.

Sitting on the boat, there was a woman with a scarf covering her head, she looked quite shy and crouched like she was hiding her sadness and loss. Next to him was a child sitting crouched as if in need of care and protection. They represent weak aspects, psychological states that need care and help.

Six swords were planted around the side of the boat which looked quite scary. But it can be a weapon to protect them - those who are searching for the promised land. The water is also underground supporting these three little people when the water is very peaceful and calm, only a small part of the side of the boat is quite chaotic with each layer of waves like the sad memories they have left behind. .

In the distance, there are undulating hills, symbolizing the distant goal, and the difficult challenges that the people on the boat need to overcome. The vast sky is peaceful, creating a sense of well-being and hope.

Six of Swords' is both a sign of change and loss, but also gives a sense of a more promising future. Move forward, out of chaos to find peace. The six vertical swords represent the power of reason in this crucial moment of transition.

II. Key words in Six of Swords

The Six of Swords itself is a journey, a transition from a difficult state to a new positive state. But sometimes it also presents a state of ambiguity, with nothing seriously flawed, nor entirely correct.

But "All roads lead to Rome", when this card also shows about recovery. It's especially true when you've just been through a tough and psychologically difficult time. In the middle of the ocean, there is also a great place to live, which is the beautiful islands that even though they have to fight against the storms and rain every day, they still hold their heads high proudly in front of the immense sea. Life will really be no longer interesting when we ourselves feel bored.

This is also a card of trips. It can mean a real change in circumstances, location, or a shift that brings progress and hope for the future.

“When we don't have clarity, let's embark on a journey to find clarity that no one else can give.” - Marcel Proust.

III. The meaning of the Six of Swords card reversed and forward

1. Meaning of Upright Six of Swords

Six of swords tarot card upright


Heal, necessary displacement, move forward, restore.


The Six of Swords when lying down often carries positive messages and towards improvement. This is a card about healing, overcoming difficulties, hoping for a better future, when you are willing to accept change and adapt to new situations.

Also, it can represent a spiritual escape, but also a literal travel and vacation in search of well-being and happiness.


In the general context, the Six of Swords represents change and moving forward after going through trials and tribulations. It signifies the ability to adapt to change, receive support and direction from those close to you, and find peace and improvement in a new environment.

d. Meaning of Six of Swords Upright in Work

The Six of Swords in a straight forward signifies that there will be a rotation in your work, maybe a new job that is more interesting, a new project or a new position with opportunities for promotion. forward for example. You are approaching a positive phase in your career and have the opportunity to explore and learn from that new environment.

The stress and conflict in the current work environment makes you feel tired, so this rotation has a positive connotation so rest assured that everything is good waiting for you on the other side. before.

e. The meaning of the Six of Swords Upright in Finance

The appearance of the Six of Swords upright indicates that the upcoming financial situation will be quite good. You have overcome difficulties and challenges in managing your finances and are moving to a new and more stable stage. However, do not have risky thoughts if you do not want to get caught in a whirlpool that is difficult to get out of.

f. The meaning of the Six of Swords Upright in Love

The past love has brought you a lot of grief and loss. But now you have reached out of that dark quagmire towards a new and better horizon. At the same time, accepting and welcoming new relationships will bring you many new happy emotions.

If you already have love, refresh and warm up your feelings with romantic dates and travel. It will greatly strengthen your already boring relationship! Take the initiative to bring yourself and your partner more joy and laughter.

g. Meaning of Six of Swords Upright in Health

You may have been in poor health before, but now you have found a way to overcome difficulties and are moving to a better state of health. You are looking for balance and renewing yourself through lifestyle changes, exercise and exploring more wellness methods.

This is a wonderful thing to be commended. Let's take advantage of this positivity! A healthy living environment promotes balance in both body and soul.

2. The meaning of the Six of Swords reversed (Reversed)

Six of swords tarot card reversed

a. Keyword

Stuck, burdened, unable to move forward, procrastinating.

b. About

Six of Swords reversed carries the meaning of stagnation and difficulties in life. It represents a period of neither going forward nor backward. Discord and imbalance appear one after another, making you feel like you are stuck in an irreversible situation, delaying and stagnation in the development process.

c. Overview

This card is also a reminder that every challenge is part of life's journey. Despite delays and difficulties, that doesn't mean you can't move forward. The important thing is not to give up and find a way to overcome obstacles. At the same time, learn how to share and express your feelings. Gradually, you will find a new direction and achieve what you want.

d. Meaning of the Six of Swords reversed in Work

Your work doesn't look so good when the Six of Swords is reversed. It signifies that you may have encountered setbacks, feel tired, lose confidence in your abilities, and have no motivation to continue. The promotion opportunities seem to be left out for you, it is very difficult to approach and implement new projects.

However, it is also a reminder that not every failure is the end. Sometimes, they are just challenges for you to learn and grow. Your sanity and patience will help you find your own new direction from which to have a better chance to break through.

e. The meaning of the Six of Swords reversed in Finance

The work is difficult, the finances are not much better. Your investment plans may not go in the right direction and not bring the expected results. Please control your spending well, settle outstanding debts, don't give up and let it all go. Should consult more experts, who have experience will help you overcome this difficult time.

f. The meaning of the Six of Swords reversed in Love

In a love reading, the Six of Swords reversed indicates instability, you may be going through a difficult period in your relationship. Discord and disagreement appear with a dense frequency, making you feel gradually tired, and cracks are inevitable.

Past insecurities can also prevent you from living fully with your love. So, the most fundamental problems in love communication and trust are becoming ever more complicated and difficult.

So whether you are in a relationship or single, you should erase those painful pasts, let it become a paved road to bring your gentle steps forward. Suffering has been experienced, so let's enjoy happiness!

g. The meaning of the Six of Swords reversed in Health

Six of Swords reversed in health indicates that you are experiencing some physical and mental instability. Recovery may not progress as expected and you may feel quite insecure. However, don't give up hope but focus on taking care of yourself.

Seek support from medical professionals and find out the root cause of the problem. Review your eating and living habits. Your sanity and patience will help you overcome difficulties and move towards better health.


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