
Four of Swords - Spread Description & Interpretation

Jul 23, 2023

Card: Four of Swords - Peace Even In Dreams
Elemental: Air
Zodiac: Libra (Libra)
Planet: Venus (Venus)

Now is the time to rest, relax and heal. Take care and listen to your inner voice.

I. Description of the Four of Swords card

1. The meaning of the position, the zodiac of the Four of Swords card

Four of Swords is the 4th card, of the Swords suit in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck. The number 4 represents balance and harmony and solidity, often associated with everyday aspects of life such as family, finances and health. While in the Sword suit, the meanings of the 4 need to be strengthened more strongly to create lasting rest, release and recovery, providing security and stability.

People of the peaceful, idealistic, peace-loving Libra personality can link the Four of Swords to create balance and harmony in all situations. The same three companions, but Libra has harmony, and Venus is the opposite. When this planet shows dynamism and moving forward, the Four of Swords is a card of relaxation and rest.

But as friends, we have to help each other move forward, so this is a message to know to pause and recover to balance emotions and reason before making a breakthrough.

2. Detailed description of the Four of Swords card

The Four of Swords in the Tarot deck has a murky and quiet character when it depicts a man lying on a stone bed at a shrine, his hands clasped in a prayer position. This man appears to be asleep or in a state of rest, calm and relaxed.

At the same time, there were three swords pointing down at his head, but he remained motionless with no signs of alarm or resistance, indicating that everything was stopped, temporarily. Time to put aside conflicts to focus on a state of stillness, giving yourself rest and recuperation.

The armor he was wearing suggested that this man might be a warrior, and the sword beside him was his inseparables, however that weapon was lowered in exchange for a little peace for the young brave.

A colorful picture of motherhood hangs on the corner of the wall, giving this lonely man a feeling of peace, safety and warmth, dispelling the cold of the cards.


II. Key words in Four of Swords

Four of Swords shows a period of rest and recovery from challenges, and is also a reminder: After every crisis and before new challenges there is always time to relax. relax and contemplate.

Different from other cards, foretells trials slowly and quietly. Sometimes resting and doing nothing is the ultimate test, because acting quickly can become a habit and as a result we forget how to stop, rushing through challenge after challenge. the other.

It's like when you go a long distance, you often have to stop at the rest stops to rest. Consider this card as a stop for yourself.

“Peace comes from within. People who don't know are busy looking outside."

III. The meaning of the Four of Swords reversed and forward

1. Meaning of the Upright Four of Swords

Four of swords tarot card upright


Rest, relax, meditate, contemplate, worry


Four of Swords down is often a reminder that it's time to slow down and rest, or it's time to think about the past instead of moving forward. That's especially necessary when you're about to face big deals or events.

In some cases, this card wants to remind us that instead of focusing on peripheral things, we should pay attention to the heart of the problem.


This is a card of rest, recovery and stillness. It represents the need to take time to recharge after a long period of hard work or stressful experiences. This is a card that advises you to take time to relax, focus on health and recover both physically and mentally.

d. Meaning of the Four of Swords Upright in Work

The Four of Swords' at work shows that you are in need of some time to rest and recover from a stressful, tiring work period. If possible, arrange to take a short trip to refresh and restore yourself. At the same time, you can re-evaluate your strategy and find ways to improve and find better solutions to achieve the goals you've always dreamed of.

“Hurry to go to the wharf, I'm here to go to the wharf.”

e. Meaning of the Four of Swords Upright in Finance

After a period of hard work making money, it's time to take a moment to reflect on everything, as well as make sure that you are on the right track. Sometimes, re-evaluating your plan and looking for ways to improve it can help you save money and achieve your financial goals more efficiently.

Especially should not be a "creditor" at this time, if you have missed a loan, try to get this money back as quickly as possible, otherwise it will take you quite a while to recover it. capital.

f. Meaning of the Four of Swords Upright in Love

In love, the upright Four of Swords signifies a period of rest and personal freedom. It shows that you are in need of time to take a break from your relationship, focus on dealing with personal problems, or to recover from a failed relationship.

This card can also show that you are tired of your current relationship and need time to reevaluate. Sometimes being apart is not necessarily the end of love, but just giving each other a quiet, private space for themselves and the other to be comfortable.

If you are single, don't rush to love and take good care of yourself before entering a new relationship.

g. Meaning of the Four of Swords Upright in Health

​​​Four of Swords in health can signify a time of rest and recovery. It shows that you are in need of time to rest and re-energize, possibly because you have been overworked or gone through a period of stress and fatigue. This card can also show that you are in need of time to recover from an illness or injury.

Take time to rest, don't be too hasty in returning to physical activity. If you don't listen, you'll regret it. This is a real warning!

2. Meaning of the Four of Swords reversed (Reversed)

Four of swords tarot card reversed

a. Keyword

Exhausted, contemplative, stagnant, lost.

b. About

When this card is reversed, it indicates that you are going through a difficult time and cannot rest and recover as expected. Maybe you are facing a lot of pressure and stress in your life, but cannot find any way to relieve it.

Don't isolate yourself, seek help to solve the problem if needed. Everything needs connection and so do people.

c. Overview

Don't let stress and discomfort make you lose control. The reversed Four of Swords shows that it's time to gather strength, change your approach and face problems directly, making yourself stronger and more resilient to be ready to welcome new challenges. next challenge.

d. Meaning of the Four of Swords reversed in Work

Four of Swords reversed indicates the overload and fatigue you are experiencing with your current job, when you cannot find the peace and focus needed to complete the tasks.

This is a reminder that you need to put in more time and effort to regain focus and motivation at work. You may need to review your work schedule to make changes to reduce the pressure and stress that is weighing on you. Also, try to apply new approaches to solving problems instead of following the same old ways without success.

e. Meaning of the Four of Swords reversed in Finance

Let's forget about money worries for now. Your stress and worries do not generate money. Take the time to calm down, check and re-evaluate your financial strategy as well as the capital you currently have to create a steady growth momentum in the future. Also limit borrowing if possible.

f. Meaning of Four of Swords reversed in Love

When the Four of Swords reversed appears in a Tarot reading related to love, it alludes to a time of turmoil and instability in the relationship. You may be feeling tired, don't want to continue to invest so much energy and emotion in this love. When the connection and sympathy for each other is gradually lost, the distance between the two automatically becomes further and further away.

Also, let's see how the other person feels, maybe they are just as tired as I am. If you evaluate this relationship as the "true love" of your life, then the two of you need to try harder, and if not, breaking up is inevitable.

If you are single or have just gone through a period of breakdown, this card shows that you are entering a period of self-healing. This is a good signal to try to promote and believe that you will meet a better person in the future.

g. Meaning of the Four of Swords reversed in Health

Take a break, rest and rest! This is not a recommendation but a request. Take a break from all activities that are physically and mentally overwhelming. Find close friends or family you love to lean on. Snuggle into your mother's arms or rest on your father's lap like in childhood. "Peace" is the last place to return!


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