
Seven of Swords - Spread Description & Interpretation

Jul 23, 2023

Card: Seven of Swords - Trust Thieves
Elemental: Air
Zodiac: Aquarius)
Planet: Uranus

Now is the time to hide and make safe decisions.

I. Description of the Seven of Swords card

1. The meaning of the position, the zodiac sign of the Seven of Swords card

Seven of Swords is the 7th card of the Swords suit in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck. The number 7 in the Swords series refers to finding a way to evade, escape from a difficult situation, often by planning or choosing a non-face-to-face path.

Aquarius' is known for being creative, unconventional, and unconventional. Always have a sharp vision with the ability to think logically, love to learn and explore new ideas. With a symbol of a god holding two water bottles, it is the only zodiac sign that has a human image in it. Therefore, the Seven of Swords is the place where the "child" and the "human" part in Aquarius are most strongly promoted.

With Uranus - Lord of the Stars in the context of Chinese mythology, representing power, leadership and confidence. It symbolizes control, assertiveness and strategic vision. This combination creates a sharp, breakthrough and flexible mindset for the Seven of Swords to deal with in any situation.

2. Detailed description of the Seven of Swords card

On the card, we see a person holding five swords running forward, but still not forgetting to turn back where the remaining two swords are. With a cunning face it seems that this guy is a thief and he is quite excited, triumphant with his achievement.

The surroundings show stillness and almost no one notices this stealing. It shows that maybe this thief has built trust with everyone there, and it won't be long before he comes back for the other two swords, because bottomless greed is shown in his regretful glance. .

The scene with the dominant yellow color in the Seven of Swords card shows complexity and contradiction. It represents the gap between truth and falsehood, between what is clearly displayed and what is hidden, as well as between transparency and metaphor. At the same time, creating a space of ambiguity, unpredictability, with a tense atmosphere full of risks when this wrongdoing can be discovered at any time, and the severe consequences it brings. .

II. Seven of Swords Keyword Explanation

The Seven of Swords card represents deception, dishonesty, as well as betrayal and the need to be careful in trusting others. It usually appears when there is fraud, deception or evil going on in a certain situation. Sometimes, this card shows that you are avoiding everything in life, which is not good, it only makes things more complicated.

Also, this could be a sign that you are isolated or that you are isolating yourself by separating yourself from the community. You feel nothing more joyful than being free alone, doing what you want, unaffected by any words or actions, and free to focus on discovering yourself and the things you love.

Seven of Swords also refers to dishonesty. Look carefully at what you have been doing, because dishonesty will damage your own happiness and reduce the respect others have for you.

“The treacherous traitor is one who should never be trusted.” - JRR Tolkien (Excerpt from the character Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings).

III. The meaning of Seven of Swords reversed and forward

1. Meaning of Seven of Swords Upright

Seven of swords tarot card upright


Trick, deception, betrayal, recklessness, greed, strategy.


The straight Seven of Swords card has a profound meaning of deception, stealth and careful strategy building. It places emphasis on being alert to the dangers associated with deception and betrayal in your life. There may be an enemy posing as a friend trying to deceive and harm you, so be careful. Trust your intuition and consider any warning signals you may receive.


Sometimes, to achieve your goals or avoid unnecessary conflicts, you may need to keep your information and intentions confidential. This does not always mean that you are taking dishonest actions, but rather to protect self-defense and achieve success in a smart and favorable way. It encourages you to be responsive, flexible, and ready to take on any challenge you may face.

d. The meaning of the Seven of Swords Upright in Work

The Seven of Swords card in front of work implies a strategic and cunning vision for work situations. It symbolizes intelligence, creativity and the ability to find ingenious solutions without having to face-to-face.

In addition, it also shows hidden opportunities and different approaches to achieving goals, accepting trade-offs in exchange for personal gain. There are a number of tricks or deceptions emerging in the work environment. Use your strengths of adaptability, flexibility and sharp wits to remove all those unsavory things from the game.

e. The meaning of the Seven of Swords Upright in Finance

In the financial sector, the Seven of Swords in upright offers important reminders of caution and due diligence. Please be careful with financial transactions at this time, as well as protect your assets and personal information.

With the rapid development of technology today, the risk of fraud and information theft is increasing. We need to put in place reasonable security measures, such as maintaining two-factor passwords, verifying information, and using secure payment methods.

Although the current financial situation is not very positive, do not let your greed rise up and take bad actions. Don't make yourself a slave to money. Anything related to money is sensitive, it's better to be careful.

f. The meaning of the Seven of Swords Upright in Love

This card can refer to dishonesty and deceit in love. It warns of the risk of being deceived or a feeling of distrust towards the partner. One of you is also being dishonest with each other, betrayal is shown through stealthy actions.

What's sadder than when I give that person my heart but the end is betrayal and some "horns". Always be alert to face this dishonesty, do not hide from reality even though it is not easy to accept. At the same time, keep a cool head, self-respect and be ready to leave this unworthy relationship.

If you are single, if you meet a person that you are touched by, evaluate objectively and find out the reliability of the other person, do not rush to give your heart quickly. Slowly but surely to be able to build a reliable and lasting love.

g. The meaning of the Seven of Swords Upright in Health

Seven of Swords is a reminder to carefully monitor and check your health. Sometimes there may be problems or symptoms that you haven't noticed or noticed.

Our health is not only dependent on physical but also closely related to mental. This card refers to needing to keep the mind at ease, finding ways to reduce stress such as meditation, yoga, recreational activities and enjoying alone time to relax.

2. The meaning of the Seven of Swords reversed (Reversed)

Seven of swords tarot card reversed

a. Keyword

Spiritual challenge, self-deception, fraud, loss of freedom.

b. About

Seven of Swords reversed brings negative connotations and warns of disturbing aspects in life. When there are dishonest people or fraudulent situations happening around you.

This card reminds us to be careful and not to trust blindly. Always double-check and watch out for dishonest plans, commitments or promises from others. This places a great responsibility on our shoulders to protect ourselves and not to be deceived.

c. Overview

Life is not always fair, we always have to learn to be ready to face difficulties and failures. And this is a challenge that you need to face. Always be careful, evaluate carefully, protect yourself so as not to be discouraged by obstacles in life. Whatever the outcome, don't let these bad experiences deprive you of faith and hope for the future.

d. The meaning of the Seven of Swords reversed in Work

Seven of Swords reversed warning about the risk of being deceived, cheated or betrayed at work. It emphasizes caution and not blind trust, especially when it comes to contracts, transactions or partnerships.

Before doing anything, you must capture the information carefully and check it thoroughly. Achieving success is not an easy thing. It's important not to let these obstacles take away your motivation and patience, stay vigilant and face challenges. Your efforts will eventually pay off.

e. The meaning of the Seven of Swords reversed in Finance

The Seven of Swords reversed in a financial context gives connotations of dishonesty, vulnerability and risk of loss. Please grasp information carefully, take precautions and strictly control the source of goods, work with reliable sources and always put honesty first. At the same time, this is not the time to take risks or waste money on things that are not right.

f. The meaning of the Seven of Swords reversed in Love

When we first fall in love, we often dream a lot, but then the dream is broken instead of cruel reality. This card warns about the risk of being deceived in love. It emphasizes the need to be careful and not blindly trust the relationship.

Maybe both are gradually realizing that they can't get along, reconcile with each other and can hardly continue on the same path. Let's talk honestly about this issue, don't ignore it. If you can't move on, put on a happy smile and leave. There is nothing to regret.

If you are in the process of finding love, then be careful with sweet lies, stay awake and do not be discouraged by the "prince white horse" or "princess" step by step. from a fairy tale.

g. The meaning of the Seven of Swords reversed in Health

Seven of Swords reversed warns about carelessness and carelessness in caring for one's own health, when always fooling themselves into thinking that everything is fine. If you do not want to be "friends" with hospitals and doctors, you should focus on maintaining and taking care of your health more fully. Taking precautions, taking time for regular check-ups and following a healthy lifestyle is the right thing to do now.


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