Jul 23, 2023
Page of Wands is the first and lowest head card (Little Bronze), of the Wands (Stads) suit in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck. In the olden days, the small dong was responsible for reporting, so the Page of Wands is a sign that there will be a potential news transmission.
The Page of Wands card has a strong association with the zodiac sign Aries (Aries) and is ruled by Mars (Mars) - the warrior of the planets. The bravery and enthusiasm of Aries and the fiery, passionate energy of Mars will be powerful catalysts for the Page of Wands to embark on an inspiring new journey. Smash the past to create progressive change in the future.
The Page of Wands card is illustrated with an image of a young man with a bright, dynamic appearance holding a stick in his hand and raising it confidently, as a symbol of energy and strength. strength of a young teenager.
The guy is well-dressed with the main color tones of orange and yellow, representing creativity, passion, and enthusiasm like a burning fire. The salamander motif on the shirt is a mythical creature associated with fire, symbolizing luck, success and the ability to transform well. Confidence and intelligence, easily adapting to any situation is the key to success. like the feather symbol on the hat he's wearing.
Although standing alone in the wilderness, arid desert, he still held his head high and stared at the top of the stick, as a concentration to prepare for a new journey. The three distant mountains that appeared in this barren place showed that the boy could find direction and potential in the most difficult places. His energy will make everything happen without being limited by circumstances no matter what.
The Page of Wands card is a symbol of new beginnings full of excitement and passion. This is a card that shows a young and dynamic spirit, showing that you are ready to start a new path with enthusiastic baggage.
There may be opportunities for you to pioneer your creativity, nurture your talents, and come up with breakthrough ideas that will help you achieve bigger goals, let you shine. So when you come across such opportunities, quickly seize them and accept the challenge!
You may be feeling new ideas and want to experiment with them, filled with excitement. So don't hesitate, turn your thoughts into actions and do it bravely, allowing yourself the freedom to express your personality and abilities with all carelessness.
Your strong, energetic and passionate characteristics have a certain influence from a child or a young soul with whom you are close. This is a very good resonance from the surrounding relationships that you have.
Enthusiastic, creative, confident, courageous.
If the question is about real people, the Page of Wands usually refers to a young woman of high achievement, ambitious but very warm.
Also, this card brings a message of creative beginnings. This is the time for you to start a new wind full of enthusiasm and passion. Don't be afraid to try new things. Enthusiasm and sincerity will help you attract many people and bring many opportunities. However, the forward Page of Wands also evokes quite a bit of distraction. Try to stay focused!
Page of Wands up shows your confidence and determination in every decision. What you have started planning and doing in advance is gradually moving towards success. You are not afraid to face challenges and always want to try new things. Confidence will help you overcome those obstacles.
On work, the upright Page of Wands card brings a message of enthusiasm and creativity. A new opportunity or important project has fallen into your hands, and you're ready to launch it with enthusiasm and passion.
This card also shows that you are an active participant and contributor to the development of the work. You are willing to learn and share your knowledge with your colleagues, assisting them in achieving their common goals. At the same time, there is also a gentleman who is a woman who is ready to help you.
If you are looking for a new job, a straight Page of Wands can prove that you are attractive, and attract the attention of employers. So keep yourself positive and ready to face new challenges, it can be better and more interesting than you expect. And if you're looking to start a business, this is the right time to start.
The financial situation is very good when the vertical Page of Wands appears. You are coming up with new ideas and creations to earn money, and also show your desire and determination to achieve your goals. Think about long-term financial planning, no matter how old you are now.
The vertical Page of Wands shows that you are at the beginning of love. If you are single, this is a good time to start a new relationship. Maybe the person you like will quickly send a positive signal to you. You are like a fragrant flower emitting a sweet scent that attracts bees and butterflies around. One of them has a hobby of adventurous challenges, check this audience out!
If you are in a relationship, this card shows that your relationship is entering an exciting new phase, but the beginning is also quite turbulent. You and your partner are attracted to each other, but love and hate exist almost parallel. So the two often try to come up with new ideas to rekindle their love.
However, the upright Page of Wands also warns that you need to be careful not to take risks or think too much. There may be arguments that take place for no particular reason, but just because of outbursts of anger and frustration. Avoid hasty or violent attacks because it may cause the opponent to "suffocate".
In terms of health, Page of Wands down implies that you need to make efforts to improve your health situation. The most important thing is to approach the problem with optimism. This can help you find the right new solutions to improve your health. Follow a healthy diet and seek help and support from medical professionals if needed.
Mindless, too hot-tempered, too aggressive, childish.
The reversed Page of Wands represents indecision, stalemate and loss of confidence in one's abilities. You may feel distracted, confused about your goals, and not sure which path to take to move forward.
Once you've lost your way, don't try to walk, focus and make more decisive decisions to find your way out of the maze. Instead of looking at life with wild eyes, lacking confidence, think about the beautiful future that is waiting for you ahead, and find ways to overcome difficulties.
Sometimes the reversed Page of Wands can tell of some unpleasant news coming your way. No matter what, the wind still blows, the clouds still fly, the flow of people keeps walking. So don't let yourself fall behind. Focus back on your goal, become assertive, stay positive, and find a way to restart your enthusiasm.
The Page of Wands card reversed shows that you are going through a difficult time in your career. You feel tired and bored with your current job. Indecision and loss of confidence are the biggest concerns. At the same time, there may be a woman who is about to annoy you with her hesitation.
Try to get out of this quagmire by lifting your spirits, generating new ideas, and reshaping the road to direct direction to the future.
If you are in the process of looking for a job, then look for more new job postings, don't just focus on one place, and be prepared that the recruitment may be delayed. delay a little longer.
Page of Wands reversed offers a reminder that you may be choosing the wrong investments and do not have a clear spending plan. Don't be in a hurry, do your research carefully before spending money on something. One glass wrong is a mile away!
At the same time, you need to control yourself, don't be impatient and hasty when making important financial decisions. If needed, seek help from a trusted financial professional or relative who can provide you with valuable advice.
When the Page of Wands is reversed in a love reading, it often signals instability in the relationship. You may be experiencing jealousy and doubt in your love life. If you want to continue your love journey with this companion, you need to learn to trust your partner and understand the root cause of your dissatisfaction. Before fully understanding and trusting each other, it is not convenient to make a long-term commitment.
If you are single, the reversed Page of Wands also indicates that you are experiencing depression or lack of motivation to seek a new relationship. It doesn't matter, enjoying the joy of being single is also "the pleasures of the world".
In terms of health, the reversed Page of Wands card often signals fatigue, lack of motivation about the need for sports activities. You are like a "lazy worm" who just wants to sit and wish for good health.
If you are undergoing treatment, the reversed Page of Wands also indicates that you are having difficulty accepting the treatment plan, or you may not yet realize the importance of care. your health.
Right now you need to change your lifestyle, and look straight ahead to make wise decisions about your health. Advocacy is an alternative to almost any drug, and there will be one or more people willing to help you. Remember that healthy people have everything.
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