
Nine of Wands - Spread Description & Interpretation

Jul 23, 2023

Card: Nine of Wands - Brave Warrior
Elemental: Fire
Zodiac: Sagittarius)
Planet: Jupiter (Jupiter)

Always look behind, mark your own boundaries, or someone else will do it for you.

I. Description of the Nine of Wands card

1. The meaning of the position, the zodiac sign of the Nine of Wands card

Nine of Wands is the 9th card of the Wands deck in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck. The number 9 in the Nine of Wands represents constancy, strength and determination to overcome challenges and difficulties in life. Because it is the last number in the 10-digit series of natural numbers, starting from 0 (nothingness) to 9 (perfection), the number 9 of the Stick set also represents experiences, maturity as well as maturity. as wise to handle complex problems.

Jupiter and Sagittarius are associated with the Nine of Wands, as they both have properties related to perseverance and strength in the face of difficulties and trials. challenge. Jupiter - the largest planet in the solar system is considered the planet of patience and endurance. It signifies efforts, efforts and passion in work. Along with the arrow Sagittarius has launched, it is difficult to change direction, eager to find and pursue goals, not afraid of hardships.

2. Detailed description of the Nine of Wands card

Nine of Wands' depicts an injured man with a bandage around his head. This character's resilience is clearly shown through his persistence in the face of adversity. With a tired look, the young man seemed to be exhausted, but his eyes showed the will not to give up, to overcome challenges and win to the end.

The movement of embracing the stick as a fulcrum for oneself to stand firm in the present and believe in the future. That bandage is an unpleasant experience from the past that he needs to learn from.

Eight sticks were sticking around and forming a barrier behind the man. They represent the challenges that surround them. However, the clear blue sky "carrying clouds, carrying the wind, carrying mountains and forests" behind is the open future that is welcoming the brave "lead soldier".

II. Key words in Nine of Wands

“Failure is not an option”. The Nine of Wands is a symbol of courage, endurance, perseverance and loyalty being tested. Although this ordeal has reached the point where you feel exhausted and in pain, you are like that brave lead soldier, with immense physical and mental strength.

Deep inside is the energy that can carry you through all difficulties, but there seems to be something stopping it from coming out right now. However, you are about to achieve success, the finish line is not far away, do not give up. The difficulties ahead are just like the last tiny dark area before the bright dawn, if you don't give up hope.

Nine of Wands tells us one thing that we shouldn't allow life's challenges to discourage us. It is human nature to activate a defensive mindset in such times, turning on self-protection is essential, but don't let yourself sink into despair. What you've been through will hurt you, but it will also make you stronger.

III. The meaning of the Nine of Wands card reversed and forward

1. Meaning of the Upright Nine of Wands

Nine of wands tarot card upright


Courage, perseverance, faith, resilience.


Most of the cards in the Wands deck are cards that favor the positive. However, the more wands that appear, the more complexity and anxiety are hidden. And the Nine of Wands is the card that marks the beginning of this level, when no matter how many challenges you have overcome, you still need to be cautious, watchful and ready to face the next challenges. according to.


A vertical Nine of Wands often indicates perseverance and determination, even though you are still being suppressed by anxiety and worry. If you feel exhausted and in pain and need to "return to the city to recuperate", don't hesitate to give yourself some time to "recover".

After going through many battles, now you have become stronger after many battles. The finish line is near, just be patient a little longer. Take advantage of your accumulated intelligence and experience.

d. Meaning of Nine of Wands Upright in Work

You may experience some stress at work when the Nine of Wands appears, but you are ready to fight using your "ultimate weapon" that is accumulated experience. be to pass. You have achieved many achievements, but at the same time there is no shortage of failures. So now, you have enough energy to overcome all challenges if you continue to remain steadfast and determined.

For those who are looking for a new job, the upright Nine of Wands often represents perseverance, undaunted by confusion and setbacks. "Thousands of difficult beginnings, do not be discouraged". It may be that the search for "a piece of rice and clothes" will not be easy, but if you keep your faith, keep trying, success is waiting for you ahead.

e. Meaning of the Nine of Wands Upright in Finance

You're close to your financial goal, just a little more to go. The experience and ratio of financial management are being used effectively by you, especially in saving and investing. Although there are still many difficulties ahead, just stay calm and deal with each situation. Take it one step at a time, slowly but surely.

Nine of Wands also warns that you should be careful with the risks when spending a large amount of money to invest, should not be too confident when making decisions, be more careful.

f. Meaning of Nine of Wands Upright in Love

Nine of Wands down indicates that you may have been through many trials in love and left wounds in the past, so now you have turned on your "self-protection mode". Whether meeting the right person at the wrong time, or at the right time but with the wrong person, they are attributed to the absence of the word "destiny". You have to realize that when we give love, besides receiving happiness, there is still the risk of taking hurt.

So don't lose faith in love because of hurt, or ever think that everyone in the world is like that because of betrayal. How can a person who does not believe in love warm his heart? The world is always in balance, with light there will be darkness, with joy there is no shortage of sadness. So rebalance your heart and get the happiness you deserve.

g. Nine of Wands Upright card meaning in Health

If you are sick or in the process of recovery, the Nine of Wands upright indicates that you will recover quickly and improve your health. It is like a reminder that you have enough energy to face all health problems. Therefore, good habits such as exercise, rest and proper eating need to be continued. At the same time, breathing exercises and meditation will be extremely helpful for you at this time.

2. The meaning of the Nine of Wands card reversed (Reversed)

Nine of wands tarot card reversed

a. Keyword

Defensive, hesitant, cowardly, difficult, paranoid, lack of initiative.

b. About

When the Nine of Wands is reversed, it indicates that you are going through a difficult time due to battle fatigue, and feel no longer strong enough to continue. You are obsessed with failure, do not dare to face new challenges, want to give up everything to return to the original safe state.

In life there will be times when you don't believe in yourself. But if you get through this moment, leave the past behind, turn the page to move on, and face the challenge with courage, then you will realize your worth.

c. Overview

Nine of Wands reversed shows that you are overly worried about what might happen in the future, and this can cause you to become overly alert and fearful. This is when you need to rest and recharge your batteries. As long as you don't stop, it's okay to go slow.

d. The meaning of the Nine of Wands reversed in Work

Overwork is the shortest way to fatigue and quickly boredom. You may have worked hard and put in great efforts in the past, but now you are feeling tired and don't have enough energy to continue.

Nine of Wands reversed reminds you that you need to rest and recharge your energy before continuing to work. You may need time to re-evaluate your plan and strategy, or seek support from colleagues or superiors.

e. Meaning of the Nine of Wands reversed in Finance

Nine of Wands reversed is a warning that your impulsive decisions will result in financial loss. You may be facing money challenges for a while and your energy is running low.

Money is dominating most problems in life, so when it is exhausted, you feel stressed and hopeless. The important thing now is to take a step back, reassess the situation, consider ways you can cut your spending and increase your income. Share with people you trust so you can relieve the pressure, don't be afraid of being looked down upon or pitied. Nothing is impossible for someone who always tries.

f. The meaning of the Nine of Wands reversed in Love

You have a bit of a "dictatorship" in love when the reversed Nine of Wands appears. A lot of things as long as it comes from you will always be right, always reasonable. However, if it comes from the opponent, it is immediately wrong, disagree. Gradually, the two are always in an uncomfortable state, losing trust, leading to conflicts due to long repression.

Love is the vibe between two souls in sync, the harmony of two hearts, the warm sunshine that helps life to blossom. So, let go of your definition of perfect, learn to see the great in the imperfect, you will find your heart is much more beautiful and brilliant.

If you are single, maybe bad experiences in the past make you feel tired, don't want to love. When you meet someone you like, try to approach the other person gently and thoroughly. Love doesn't have to be young and old, simply being together peacefully through the day is enough.

g. The meaning of the reversed Nine of Wands in Health

In terms of health, the reversed Nine of Wands indicates that you are going through a period of fatigue and exhaustion. Try your best to be patient and calm. You may need to seek support from your doctor or loved ones, don't hide your true feelings or try to avoid them. Find ways to re-energize with lifestyle and dietary changes. Release the tension within your means.


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