
Eight of Cups - Spread Description & Interpretation

Jul 23, 2023

Card: Eight of Cups - Leaving the Past
Elemental: Water
Zero Sign: Pisces (Pisces)
Planet: Neptune

Skip what no longer works for you and move on to the next chapter of your life story.

I. Description of the Eight of Cups card

1. The meaning of position, zodiac card Eight of Cups

Eight of Cups is the eighth card of the Cups suit in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck. The number 8 in the Cups set represents completion, the end of a period, and preparation for a new one. It can also represent a re-evaluation of the values ​​and priorities of a person or a life situation, often seen as an advice for us to seek renewal and move forward, rather than continue to stay in an unsatisfactory situation.

Pisces (Pisces) and Neptune (Neptune) continue to accompany from card 7 through card 8 of the Cups deck. The sensitive, creative personalities and emotional dreams of these two companions will pave the way for the Eight of Cups to find their own innovative direction.

2. Detailed description of the Eight of Cups card

Eight of Cups' appears with a sad image, when in the gray landscape there is a figure of a man holding a walking stick, leaving eight cups behind, as if leaving the past to find new direction. The carry-on luggage is the burning passion and desires hidden in that fiery red suit and shoes.

The dim moonlight helps him cross the river of emotions and undulating hills to find a new land to build his dream. Despite knowing that there are difficulties and challenges ahead that he must overcome, the man does not feel fear or falter, but instead continues to walk with determination and hope to discover. new horizons.

Just like in life, when people feel uncomfortable or disappointed about something, choosing to leave can provide a new opportunity to seek the truth deep within themselves.

The image on this card focuses on leaving the past and finding a new, bold and decisive direction. This card is often seen as a symbol of innovation, adventure and moving forward in life.

II. Explanation of keywords in the Eight of Cups

At the end of the school year, people often hug each other and cry and promise a bright future. Promise each other that we will meet again at the summit, plan future class reunions with anticipation. But then time erased, few people still remember the old promise. Meetings gradually became sparse, members gradually made excuses for not being able to come.

This is the time when everyone knows that a new page has begun, the journey of adulthood, everyone understands but still needs time for this final step. Nothing is permanent, sooner or later it must change.

Eight of Cups represents the moment when you realize that it's time for the past to end. The truth is no longer the truth, signs of change are right in front of you and you have to accept them.

III. Meaning of Eight of Cups reversed and forward

1. Meaning of Upright Eight of Cups

Eight of cups tarot card upright


Disappointed, estranged, abandoned, let go, withdrew.


The Eight of Cups upright is a beginning Tarot card, representing leaving the past and finding a new direction. It often appears in readings when you are feeling tired, uninterested or dissatisfied with your current life. There are situations, circumstances or relationships that no longer work for you. So this change will be in your best interest.


Eight of Cups forward encourages you to take action in search of progress. If you want to open a new door to receive newness and a bright future, you must accept to close the door behind you. In this choice to leave, you are proactive, so you must learn to grow up to be ready to face anything.

d. Meaning of Eight of Cups Upright in Work

Your current job may not align with your goals and values, and you're tired of it. Think carefully about whether to try to stay or "give up". What is the best and most suitable for you.

If you decide to start fresh, you need to know your own abilities and limitations. Confidently boldly embark on a new job to find the core values ​​​​to create a new and more meaningful life.

e. Meaning of the Eight of Cups Upright in Finance

Eight of Cups forward encourages you to find a balance between spending and saving, possibly needing to cut unnecessary expenses and focus on savings and investments. Take this as an opportunity to take control of your finances before making a big decision. This requires courage, focus and determination.

f. Meaning of Eight of Cups Upright in Love

This card represents warmth but not fullness in love. Maybe both have realized that they are not for each other but do not want to take the initiative to say the two words "end". You and your partner are both waiting for the right moment to minimize the grief as much as possible.

It will take a lot of courage to look at the matter honestly, as well as to leave the life that you two have built together. After all, the person I once loved with all my heart. But the longer it takes, the more it hurts, so boldly end it when it's time to leave.

If you are single, the Eight of Cups is straight, indicating that you are not ready to start a new relationship. Maybe the pain of abandonment in the past is preventing you from believing in love. Although lonely and lost, you still cannot overcome the darkness in your heart. No hurry, first give yourself some time and space to be free and enjoy this beautiful life.

g. Meaning of the Eight of Cups Upright in Health

Eight of Cups down shows that you are feeling tired due to pressures from life, work and social relationships. These pressures can take a toll on your health, stress and headaches can make you feel tired, depressed, and anxious.

Take time to relax and re-energize with exercise, yoga, or other stress-relieving activities. Also, make sure you're eating and living in a healthy and balanced way.

2. The meaning of the Eight of Cups reversed (Reversed)

Eight of cups tarot card reversed

a. Keyword

Desperate, give up, leave, useless, hesitate.

b. About

Eight of Cups reversed often indicates difficulty in finding new beginnings or letting go of the past. The person affected by this card may be feeling disoriented or stuck about their future, possibly due to hesitation or fear about upcoming changes.

However, it also warns that leaving may not be a good decision. When you are passing up good future opportunities or running away from your responsibilities or relationships. Please take your time and think carefully before making a decision.

c. Overview

This card can signify loss or stalemate, but it can also be a warning about escape or thoughtlessness. It helps you to ask the question, "Should I stay or should I go?" Use your intuition and introspection to check if you should give yourself another chance or relax and let go. The reversed Eight of Cups invites you to listen to your heart before taking your next action.

d. Meaning of the Eight of Cups reversed in Work

There is some cosmic signal that strongly urges you to quickly withdraw from your current job. You may feel lost and have no idea where you are going in your career. Think carefully about what you really want and consider before deciding what is best for the future. Talk to someone you trust and have knowledge of before making a decision. Don't act too emotional!

e. Meaning of the Eight of Cups reversed in Finance

Eight of Cups reversed in a financial spread can indicate that you are not looking to face financial problems or are avoiding work in managing your personal account. You feel that you are "poor," you can only breathe air to live, so you are always in a state of fatigue and helplessness.

If this continues, this is a warning that you are passing up the opportunity to increase your income and invest to generate future profits. And the poor will return to poverty, possibly even living in debt. Right now, properly assess the situation, consider what can be done to make money. Smart savings and investments will help you achieve your financial goals in no time.

f. Meaning of the Eight of Cups reversed in Love

Eight of Cups reversed in love often signifies a relationship that is quite uncertain and difficult. You may feel lost and have no idea where your relationship is headed. If you want to make a closing statement, please pause for a moment to think carefully before making a decision.

Emotions are sometimes like a string. If it's too tight, it'll break, but if it's too tight, it's hard to make a sound. Attaching a complete string is difficult, but how to keep it balanced, just right, it is even more difficult. Face your true feelings and consider them carefully so you don't have to regret it later.

g. Meaning of the Eight of Cups reversed in Health

Don't hide from your health and let stress rule you. Face your emotions and accept that health is an important part of life and needs proper care.

If anxiety and stress persist for a long time, it will easily lead to an increasing rate of psychological diseases. You can seek help and support from loved ones or health professionals to find the solution that works best for you. You can control them, don't worry!


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