
Seven of Cups - Spread Description & Interpretation

Jul 23, 2023

Card: Seven of Cups - Illusory Dream
Elemental: Water
Zero Sign: Pisces (Pisces)
Planet: Neptune

Building the castle of your dreams is not the approach to your dreams, choose and act.

I. Description of the Seven of Cups

1. The meaning of the position, the zodiac of the Seven of Cups card

Seven of Cups is the seventh card of the Cups suit in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck. The number 7 is often considered a spiritual number, symbolizing perfection, the connection between the material and spiritual worlds.

In the Seven of Cups, the number 7 represents the choice and decision between many different options, also representing the distinction between reality and illusion. Therefore, care must be taken when choosing so as not to fall into the trap of ambiguity or deception.

A Pisces with a sensitive disposition, full of daydreams and a wild imagination is the zodiac sign connected with the Seven of Cups. Along with Neptune - the god of the sea, is considered to be the one responsible for bringing the gods to land. To put it more simply, it is a "dream thief". When the steam from the sea creates a mist that hides the truth and leads us into a maze of self-created dreams.

The vast ocean allows Pisces to swim to a never-ending spiritual and fantasy world. Just like the essence of the Seven of Cups is fanciful, so it is difficult to distinguish right from wrong to return to the final destination.

2. Detailed description of the Seven of Cups card

The Seven of Cups card depicts a man standing in front of seven cups filled with colorful shapes. The cups hang in the clouds like an illusion or a distant thing that is hard to reach. Although he couldn't see his face, the posture he was standing showed that this man was quite surprised and surprised to see them.

Each cup contains an image representing abilities, dreams with different meanings. They represent the things that people always aspire to. There are dreams that are blessed with good fortune, but there are also dreams that contain potential dangers. The first cup is a woman's face, representing beauty. Dream of having a good-looking appearance, a lovely face. But it also signifies seduction and temptation. The second cup shows a mysterious hooded figure with red light around it, symbolizing mystery and strangeness, as well as hope and longing. now proves itself. The third cup is a snake, symbolizing falsehood and risk. But also represents knowledge, wisdom and enlightenment. If intelligence is used for malicious purposes, it will be more dangerous than ever. The fourth cup contains a castle, denotes prosperity and success. The fifth cup contains a lot of gold and silver, indicating wealth and financial potential. This is indeed a gold mine that everyone wishes for. The sixth cup is a laurel wreath, a symbol of victory, love and joy. A dream of achieving success and living in fame. The last seventh cup contains a dragon, which is a symbol of temptation, thirst for power and greed. When they have everything, people become more and more ambitious to conquer, with the desire to become their supreme being. So there will be many dangers and temptations, it is necessary to be careful and think carefully before making decisions when faced with risky situations and unclear options.

This is indeed a gold mine that everyone wishes for. The sixth cup is a laurel wreath, a symbol of victory, love and joy. A dream of achieving success and living in fame. The last seventh cup contains a dragon, which is a symbol of temptation, thirst for power and greed. When they have everything, people become more and more ambitious to conquer, with the desire to become their supreme being. So there will be many dangers and temptations, it is necessary to be careful and think carefully before making decisions when faced with risky situations and unclear options.

This is indeed a gold mine that everyone wishes for. The sixth cup is a laurel wreath, a symbol of victory, love and joy. A dream of achieving success and living in fame. The last seventh cup contains a dragon, which is a symbol of temptation, thirst for power and greed. When they have everything, people become more and more ambitious to conquer, with the desire to become their supreme being. So there will be many dangers and temptations, it is necessary to be careful and think carefully before making decisions when faced with risky situations and unclear options.

is a symbol of temptation, lust for power and greed. When they have everything, people become more and more ambitious to conquer, with the desire to become their supreme being. So there will be many dangers and temptations, it is necessary to be careful and think carefully before making decisions when faced with risky situations and unclear options.

is a symbol of temptation, lust for power and greed. When they have everything, people become more and more ambitious to conquer, with the desire to become their supreme being. So there will be many dangers and temptations, it is necessary to be careful and think carefully before making decisions when faced with risky situations and unclear options.

All of these images represent the different choices the man is facing and he feels confused when he has to make a decision. The Seven of Cups is often considered a symbol of imagination and creativity, but it also reminds us that in order to achieve our goals, we need to decide and choose the right direction, avoiding being mesmerized by ambiguities and illusions.

II. Key words in Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups is a card of delusions from the ordinary to the extraordinary and even impermanent. Everyone who lives in this world does not have the right to dream and desire. But don't make yourself a slave to fantasies, leading yourself away from reality.

When the Cup 7 card appears, look closely to see how confusing the situation you are in. Is everything too bland and you need a little break? And you'll recognize like the man in the Seven of Cups, amazed at the choices he has.

On the other hand, if you are in a mess, a strict control and discipline is essential. No one can be happy and thrive while living in a chaotic environment. Principle will provide a solid foundation for life, while laxity in the Seven of Cups can only lead to decay and neglect.

There are times when laziness will enter your thoughts and dreams. It's easy to wish for something, but it's extremely difficult to make a dream come true. Make sure you're really working and working hard on your plan, being disciplined and committed to making it to the end.

III. The meaning of the Seven of Cups is reversed and forward

1. The meaning of the Seven of Cups Upright card

Seven of cups tarot card upright


Illusion, wishful thinking, imagination, illusion, chance, choice.


The Seven of Cups card is considered a symbol of daydreaming, fantasizing and avoiding reality. It usually occurs when the questioner is faced with weighing multiple options.

On the one hand, it shows distraction and uncertainty, and on the other hand, it shows creativity and rich imagination. Don't be overly dreamy and optimistic, you will easily be drawn into unrealistic and unfeasible ideas.


Seven of Cups upside down represents waste and inefficient thought process, when you spend too much time thinking and not making decisions. So you need to narrow down your goals. Set a focus for decisions and actions, otherwise it is easy to get caught up in vain ideas and slow down the progress of life.

d. The meaning of the Seven of Cups Upright in Work

When the Seven of Cups appears, this is when you are suffering from "power illusions" at work. You may be daydreaming or being overly optimistic about the opportunities and challenges that prevent you from making realistic and rational decisions.

At the same time you are overloaded with different opportunities and options, not knowing which path is right for you. Grandparents have a saying "one job is better than nine jobs", don't be too ambitious about your abilities, otherwise all you will get is just 0.

e. The meaning of the Seven of Cups Upright in Finance

The Seven of Cups' straight indicates that you are faced with many financial options and opportunities, and tend to be dreamy and optimistic about their potential. You can easily be seduced by new opportunities or tempting offers, but beware of cheap or unrealistic promises.

For maximum profit, focus on specific goals and plans, not spread out too much, so that you can achieve financial success in the future.

f. The meaning of the Seven of Cups Upright in Love

When the Seven of Cups upright appears in a love reading, it can signify diversity and abundance in your relationship. You may be faced with many choices and find it difficult to decide what is best for your relationship. Consider and evaluate those options objectively, thoroughly, and thoroughly. Be honest with others and yourself.

g. The meaning of the Seven of Cups Upright in Health

In the Seven of Cups health spread, it gives a reminder not to be too greedy and embrace too many areas, you will not be able to "split" to complete them well.

Don't have the illusion that you have a perfect body without taking time to take care of it, even good doctors don't confidently say that. So don't think that everything will be fine without having to do anything, or tend to overlook important health issues.

At the same time, you should also be wary of advertising methods that sell "fake" drugs or cures, excessive optimism about your health can also be easily deceived by those sweet words.

2. The meaning of the Seven of Cups reversed (Reversed)

Seven of cups tarot card reversed

a. Keyword

Back to reality, sanity, clarity, confusion.

b. About

The reversed Seven of Cups shows that you have woken up after a series of days living in illusions and daydreams. You may feel confused and confused in making a decision, but that's okay because this is a card of choice. It's time to stay awake to make a decision and take the next positive move.

c. Overview

In general, the reversed Seven of Cups is a warning about ambiguity and uncertainty in your decisions. You need to focus on reality, trust yourself and evaluate the situation carefully before making a decision, not based on fantasies or unrealistic hopes.

d. The meaning of the Seven of Cups reversed in Work

In a work spread, the reversed Seven of Cups suggests that you need to focus on specific plans and actions to achieve your goals. At the same time, you must have a full plan and make decisions based on what you see, hear and feel, add a little hunch if you feel something is not good, you should remove it immediately.

If you are looking for a new job, you may be confused and don't know which job is right for you. First, you need to clearly define what you want, then make a decision based on your goals and values.

e. The meaning of the Seven of Cups reversed in Finance

It's hard to make money, man! Know how to hold tight and spend wisely to avoid risks. This is the time when you need to be careful with money and be careful when spending money. You need to focus on saving and managing your spending. At the same time, be smart about the invitations to avoid wasting valuable assets and getting into debt.

f. The meaning of the Seven of Cups reversed in Love

Love doesn't always go smoothly when the reverse Seven of Cups appears, but at least you have realized the problem when you clearly understand what you need and want in love, and are ready to take action. that happens.

No more frivolous fantasies causing pain to others because of their illusions. Not everyone who is lost knows the way back. So don't worry, step by step create yourself a perfect love. Do not rush! Then you will be happy!

g. The meaning of the Seven of Cups reversed in Health

This reversed card shows that you are faced with many different options in terms of your treatment and health care regimens, and you have begun to realize what needs to be done. control and have the best effect.

For example, if you want to lose weight, you will go to the gym, follow a healthy diet, instead of using fat loss weight loss drugs, it may also reduce your life expectancy. You are less subjective about your health already. This is a very optimistic signal, let's promote it!


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