Profession, job, and education are the center of our existence, not only because of their necessity but also because a significant portion of our lives is dedicated to work and school.
Career and profession are central to the lives of most individuals. Career Tarot allows you to ask questions related to your career development. The cards symbolize your current situation, hidden obstacles, colleagues and work environment, opportunities related to your job, and prospects in the future...
Whether you are looking to change career fields or advance further in your current profession, a Career Tarot reading can provide you with the answers you are seeking.
Identifying a suitable profession may be one of the most challenging obstacles in life. Perhaps you have settled for a job you don't truly want, or you're uncertain about where your skills and interests could be best utilized. At the very least, job hunting can be overwhelming and disheartening. Work-related stress is one of the most common daily stresses that we all experience.
If you resonate with any of these, it might be time to sit down with Tarot cards and gain some insights. However, remember that you must pay attention to the questions you ask during the Tarot reading. When it comes to career-related questions, avoid questions about controlling or changing others—questions like, "How can I make my boss agree with me?" and "How can I influence my colleague's behavior?" These questions won't lead to successful or helpful readings. Instead, focus on questions about yourself and your own actions.
You can begin with a simple 3-card spread to reveal insights about your career. This is excellent for beginners and a great way to learn more about the Tarot cards without delving into complex and elaborate spreads. If you don't have much experience, you can use this easy spread to work with the Tarot cards in a straightforward and practical manner.
You can use the following 3-card spread:
Card 1: Will wealth and fame come to me soon?
This is where you set your career goals. If you're wondering, "Will I get a job?" or "Will I receive a deserved promotion?" this is where you'll find some answers. When framing your question, we advise you to be specific, such as stating the name of your company.
In this position, the card will indicate your opportunities and provide a general answer of either yes or no regarding your prospects.
If this is a card filled with abundance and good luck, you can rest assured that things are moving in a favorable direction for you in terms of money and prosperity. On the other hand, if this card is less than ideal, don't dwell on it too much. It shows you that there are still things to be done or something more suitable for you. Pay attention to this card.
There's usually no quick fix to financial issues and career choices, but Tarot can help you make decisions.
Card 2: Should I consider other career opportunities?
Depending on the answer from the first card, this Tarot card will help guide your next steps. The second card in this spread opens up your options and allows you to see them.
When choosing this card, think carefully about what you want regarding your career, as it will significantly influence what this card reveals. Remember that this card doesn't necessarily mean you have to change your job, nor does it guarantee that your current position will remain beneficial for you.
This card shows you your options; if you want to stay where you are, it will shed light on aspects you may not have considered. If you're ready for a change, this card will show you what you need to consider before making any life-altering decisions.
Card 3: What allies or obstacles will I have to face on the path to financial satisfaction?The final card in this Career Tarot spread looks at the obstacles ahead. While the first two cards focus on actions towards the future, this card requires a final moment for you to prepare for what lies ahead.
The barriers on your career path could be things like having a dream job but constantly struggling to pay bills or having enough income but feeling unsatisfied with what you do. Love may become more important to you in the future, or even family.
This card shows you how you can adjust to steer the path in the direction you desire. It hints at what's coming and gives a glimpse of potential outcomes and sometimes the people who will help and hinder you on the road to success.
In this article, we use the original "Rider Waite" deck with 78 cards. By combining the cards and laying them out in the suggested order above, we hope you can find the most accurate answers concerning your current work situation. For the Major Arcana cards, here are some interpretations related to career for each card.
The Fool: Working in electricity, technology, or networking, social media.
Magician: Business, computers, phones, internet, communication industries.
High Priestess: Conflict resolution, librarianship, psychic, nun, detective, historian, psychologist, endocrinologist.
The Empress: Beauty, fashion and art industry, homemaker/housekeeper, health care.
The Emperor: Leadership, private business, government work, executive positions, jobs for males.
Hierophant: Traditional fields like working in a church, religion, cult organizations, schools, research, and accounting.
Lovers: Working with partners and in pairs, business, publishing, advertising, and communication with people; gathering information and inspiring work.
Chariot: Horse auditing, security, auditing, networking, software, transportation.
Strength: Jobs related to animal and/or human care, public recognition, dentist, human resources.
Hermit: Writing, editing, data analysis, telecommunications, information technology, software, postal services, transportation, electronics, teaching, and medical professions.
Wheel of Fortune: Public speaking, short-term business ventures, restaurants, jobs in the startup phase of a business, casinos, long-term investors.
Justice: Working in the legal field or related to law and order, health or physical well-being, working in financial institutions, teaching jobs, especially when connected with the World Tarot card.
Hanged Man: Working in pharmacies, creative jobs, magic, art, music, and psychology.
Death: Working in the military, tax inspection, career counseling, funeral director, financial advisor, insurance broker, expertise in other related fields.
Temperance: Anthropologist, doctor, psychic, mediator, humanitarian, working in the news industry and frequently traveling.
Devil: Working in the information technology field, negotiations, private business, agriculture, mining, and business-related fields.
Tower: Working in the military, demolition, conflict resolution, anger management, high-competition and emotionally intense jobs.
The Star: Public service, internet, music and film industry, entertainment industry, technology.
Moon: Night shift jobs, detective, magician, artist, collecting data from branch systems.
The Sun: Leadership, storytelling, outdoor work, working with many people.
Judgement: Recruitment, creative work, political careers, judges, management positions.
The World: Working in the government, land and natural resources, regulations, rules, careers abroad, education.
Career Tarot cards are not only powerful tools but also aids for Tarot readers to discover their own strengths and suitable professions. The results above may have relative significance for some individuals, but for those who pursue spirituality and explore Tarot, this information can be useful in reinforcing their beliefs, choices, and future directions.
For those who haven't found a compatible career and want to rely on Tarot to make choices, this can be a way for you to discover untapped potentials and strengths.