Jul 23, 2023
Three of Pentacles is the third card, of the Pentacles (Money suit) in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck. Number 3 in the Three of Pentacles promotes cooperation, perfection and balance. A symbol of growth and progress, encouraging consensus and skillful communication to achieve success.
With those characteristics, Capricorn (Capricorn) and Saturn (Saturn) continue to accompany card 3 of the Money suit when all three represent hard work and patience. Saturn encourages hard work, perseverance, meticulousness, and the investment of time and effort to achieve lasting results.
And Capricorn is like a good and obedient student of Saturn when he is extremely popular with this "teacher" because of his perseverance, patience, work based on rules and discipline. These qualities are likely to attract and create countless talents on a solid and stable basis.
Three of Pentacles' shows a mason working on a construction site, possibly repairing a church. He is using the tool to carve into the bricks, creating intricate images and details. Next to him, two other people were observing the work and evaluating. A person holding blueprints or drawings, denoting the role of supervisor or architect. The other person can be a customer or a landlord, checking the progress and quality of the work.
They were discussing with each other, although quite young and of a lower status, it seemed that every opinion of this builder was heard and his expertise was appreciated. The whole landscape symbolizes cooperation and teamwork. Each person contributes in their own way to build a complete work.
This image also demonstrates the attention to detail and quality, as the building overview looks stable and beautiful with a solidly reliable layout. May this builder always work with a focused and meticulous spirit.
Since the set of Pentacles is a symbol of foundation and practice, the Three of Pentacles represents a team of people who come together to collaborate and contribute in building and moving towards a goal. shared. It promotes the spirit of hard work, dedication and achieves success through the dedication and consensus of many people.
This is one of the cards that focus on teamwork (including the Three of Cups and Hierophant). Therefore, there are very few jobs that you can complete alone, it may take the help of many people to achieve your desired goal. In some cases, the Three of Pentacles is also a sign that you will be more productive when combined with others.
This card also shows the need for preparation and planning. This time you should not rush to start anything or work when everything is still vague. You need to think carefully, thoroughly explore all the possibilities and make sure not to miss even the smallest detail. Be careful and everything you do will succeed.
Cooperation, teamwork, dedication, effort, hard work, sustainability.
Three of Pentacles upright is a positive card that represents study, hard work, determination and 100% dedication. You have worked hard and produced remarkable results. Your professionalism and talent are both recognized and appreciated by others. Overall, everything is quite favorable and right now.
The Three of Pentacles' brings a message of success through dedication and team work. This is a rather positive card, showing your appreciation and talent in the field in which you are active.
This is a very positive and good card when it comes to work and career. It signifies that you have achieved a high level in your career through dedication and unremitting efforts. Your professionalism and talent are both recognized. Everyone loves, admires and respects you from colleagues and superiors. This is a joy that many people wish for when stepping out into the society to make a living.
The project groups that you attend are very smooth and you are always willing to share your knowledge and skills with everyone. Overall, everything is going very smoothly, so you can fully expect future successes and further progress in the future. Let's continue to build your own "empire", the foundation is very solid and then try to promote it.
When appearing in the financial scene, the Three of Pentacles upstream is a good omen as it signifies the time has come for you to reap the rewards of your relentless efforts. The money you make is also used quite carefully and smartly. The stability and correctness of management will help you achieve your goals and financial security. Please continue to work professionally and take advantage of cooperation opportunities to achieve success and financial stability in the future.
The Three of Pentacles reversed in love signifies the development and building of a strong, reliable relationship. You and your partner have the same mind and everything in life. By sharing common work, ideas, and goals, the two can talk to each other non-stop. Your partner can see and appreciate your efforts and dedication, so they will appreciate and respect you even more.
If you're looking for the love of your life, there's a good chance you'll meet that person in the process of working together. Reveal that this fateful love may be quite similar to you.
Your health is tending to improve significantly, not by some miracle or by nature. It is the result of constant training. When this card appears, it means you are on the right track. Please continue to try to stick to a healthy diet and exercise schedule to maintain this state.
Lack of teamwork, lack of effort, apathy, inattentiveness, failure to learn from mistakes, no goals.
When reversed, the Three of Pentacles reminds you not to let yourself be distracted, especially on the work side. The lack of attention to detail and quality of work can lead to bad results and dissatisfaction from others. At the same time, you either don't learn from your mistakes or don't want to do so because the feeling of worthlessness is frustrating and suffocating you.
The teamwork process is also hindered by contradictions and conflicts between members. Therefore, this is the time when you need to do your best, not arbitrarily give yourself the right to choose the simplest solutions.
Three of Pentacles reversed often signifies lack of dedication, lack of focus and difficulty in teamwork. Everything seems lackluster and has no motivation to grow. This is a card that needs to pay attention to improving concentration and interaction at work to achieve better results, most importantly to set goals for yourself so that you can be motivated to strive and develop. develop.
When appearing in a work reading, the Three of Pentacles reversed implies not that you are incapable but that you are giving yourself the easiest path to take. Don't try your best to do something.
Suggestions make you feel "inaudible", do not want to listen, are lazy to learn or do not have enough qualifications to meet the job. This card also represents poor workmanship. If you are involved in a group project, then this is a sign that the cooperation is not going well. Do not allow yourself to lose your will, because that is a prerequisite to determine success or failure in work.
In a financial context, the reversed Three of Pentacles indicates that you need to work harder if you want to secure a stable financial source. Investment decisions fail, financial management lacks discipline. Don't expect money to fall from the sky, or a miracle to happen if you keep acting so carelessly. To overcome this obstacle, work hard and use your intelligence to the fullest, review your financial strategy and seek advice from experts if necessary.
The Three of Pentacles reversed in love represents disagreement and conflict in the relationship. There may be an emotional imbalance, making it difficult to empathize with each other. Both often have conflicting thoughts and opinions, so it is easy to cause conflicts about life goals and values.
To improve the situation, you and your partner need to listen and understand each other better, spend time discussing and sharing important values with each other. Each individual is always different, so try to reconcile it. The most important thing is to always understand and respect each other to lead to unity and stability in the relationship.
If you are single, the reversed Three of Pentacles could indicate that you are not ready to date and connect with someone. You are afraid of making the same mistakes you have experienced again, the pain of the past is still clinging and you cannot get rid of it. No matter what, always keep your head held high. As long as you do not abandon yourself, happiness will not abandon you.
You seem to be quite unbalanced when this card appears. You have some difficulty in finding a solution to maintain good health. Start with small things like making lifestyle adjustments, including diet and regular exercise, all the way up to learning stress-reducing methods like yoga, meditation, or other stress-reducing activities. . The most important thing is for the body to be fully "charged". Rest is an indispensable part of the process of regulating the body.
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