Jul 23, 2023
The Star is a card numbered 17 in the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck. According to folklore, the number 17 symbolizes the strong connection of strength and power. In addition, when we add the two numbers 1 and 7 together, it will equal 8, this is also the number of the Strength card meaning Strength in the Tarot deck.
In addition, according to numerology, the number 1 is the starting number, unique, expressing the identity and personality of each person, suitable for those who are leaders. However, power always goes hand in hand with solitude. Therefore, companion number 7 carries with him understanding, love to explore, when connected, it will contribute to the discovery of people's ability to communicate and learn, thereby easily achieving success.
Aquarius is the zodiac associated with The Star. With the support of the element of Air, an Aquarius who is always creative and intelligent will be more flexible and agile, thereby easily transforming well in any situation. Uranus is the ruling planet of The Star. This is the planet of rebellion, different but also represents the awakening power in the subconscious of every human being.
The Star card is depicted by the image of a naked woman kneeling on one leg by a small lake. In her hands she held two water jugs, one poured into the lake bed and the other poured on the grass. She wears no clothes, because she has nothing to hide and she is always ready for whatever is to come.
The water bottle on the right hand side of The Star symbolizes consciousness, when poured into the lake, it will create a source of nourishment for the earth and surrounding things. Water is an important element that forms life, so the act of pouring water into the lake is the embodiment of continued nourishment and formation of the next life cycle. The water bottle on the left hand, symbolizes The subconscious is poured into the ground and flows into 5 small branches, representing the 5 human senses (sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste).
The water source in the lake and the small geyser on the ground have a connection with each other, showing that there is always a close connection between the mind and subconscious of each person. The surrounding trees and leaves grow well, constantly budding, showing a peaceful scene, bright hope and a good cycle of reproduction.
One foot on her knees on the ground symbolizes reason and practicality, while the other foot resting on the water represents intuition and inner strength. In the distance, there is a bird watching The Star from a tree. This bird has a shape similar to the Ibis bird, which was revered by the ancient Egyptians because they are considered to be the embodiment of the god Thoth - the god representing wisdom.
On The Star's head is an 8-pointed Ishtar star meaning "Truth is found by wisdom". Surrounded by 7 small stars, representing 7 chakras in each person's body. The shining stars that point the way are symbolic of the need for inspiration, hope, and the importance of opening chakra energy while purifying ourselves, which in turn will lead us to find light. light at the end of the road.
Now, The Fool has felt the freedom and peace of mind. The beautiful image of the stars of The Star has completely filled up the negative energies left by The Devil before. He had faith in himself, in the future. He was happy and excited and wanted to share it with the world. The Fool's heart is open, love is expressed without restraint. The calm after the storm is truly a magical moment.
People often see stars as a source of inspiration and hope. When we turn our eyes towards the heavens, the light of the twinkling stars will help us to no longer feel the sadness of the world. It makes us feel that we are in another world, a world of happiness, in front of only light and faith, all troubles are emptied.
So The Star is seen as a card of inspiration, but it is not a card for real or lasting solutions. We all need hope in everything we do, but hope is just the beginning. When you see this The Star card, it means you are on the right track. Use its light source well to illuminate your journey.
Hope, spirituality, renewal, inspiration, happiness, enjoyment, confidence, enthusiasm, creativity, generosity, beauty, serenity, meditation.
When The Star card appears upright, You will feel more hopeful for the future and being inspired will help you to be more confident when dealing with problems. So this is also a spiritual card, enjoy the comfort it brings.
The Star is a good sign that you are ready for positive thoughts. You want to make good changes to your life. It motivates you to do something really special. Don't worry about success or failure, motivate yourself by creating a to-do list right now.
Remember that you hold all you need to perfect yourself, the only thing you need is courage.
When The Star appears, this is when your work is on the rise. The current job is also very good, but if it still does not satisfy you, prepare for new opportunities to come into your life. When it knocks on the door, be ready to answer, your ambition is fulfilled. Whether you stay at your old job or change to a new job, your ability will still be recognized and have a bright future.
The appearance of The Star upstream is an extremely positive sign for your financial affairs. This is a good time to invest and you can cope with the risks, high-return projects are waiting for you to solve. Do your best, because sometimes, opportunities only come once in a lifetime. And when you achieve it, be grateful for the opportunities and for what you have, because it can be an inspiration for you to continue on the next path.
It's great to be in love right now. A dream-like love is what the upright The Star card refers to. If you're in love, you both have the same heart from the bottom of your heart, try to enjoy this romance!
If you are looking for a partner, don't worry it can happen at any time, go out and join the crowd, a "star" is waiting for you! Or you are looking to "love from the beginning" then rest assured, this once broken relationship will move to a new, more harmonious state.
This is a great time for both physical and mental health. You know how to love yourself and realize what is the path to happiness. The upright Star also signals that you are entering a period of healing if you have just been through a difficult period.
In addition, this card also refers to the ability of women to conceive. So, if you're ready or not, you should prepare well!
Lack of confidence, low self-esteem, despair, discouragement, insecurity, anxiety, fear, stubbornness, disorientation.
When The Star appears reversed, you feel like you have lost faith in something. The things you thought were interesting waiting for you ahead now make you anxious and gradually lose direction.
Don't just follow the first bright star, it's not the only one, the opportunities are still there for you to choose from. The Star is a card that shows the calm after the storm, so be hopeful and more confident about the future. Optimism will brighten your outlook.
Without faith and hope we will never find our ideal life purpose. Always moving forward knowing that there will be many challenges that we must face. Maybe even reversed, but The Star is still a good omen if you know how to take advantage and delve deeper into the meaning it brings.
“If the sky were not dark, the stars would not appear”. When you feel like life is going badly, you'll notice new opportunities even more.
Negativeness is affecting your work, it makes you gradually lose your creativity and flexibility in work. In your eyes right now, there is only pessimism, so know that despair will kill everyone, can only make things worse and worse.
Quickly regain balance, then yourself will bring you back to the right trajectory that you belong to. Imagine the bright future that awaits you ahead, and make it come true.
You should have a clear financial plan for yourself when The Star appears in reverse. The coins are not in favor of you at this time. Consider spending on essentials and saving some money to protect yourself is what you should do now.
It looks like you are lost in love when the reversed The Star card appears. Maybe your relationship is still going well, but in some way there are some barriers that make you gradually lose confidence and self-doubt. The more you hope, the bigger the disappointment will be, and you're afraid of it. Remember that you are the best you are, so love yourself and enjoy the love others give you.
And if you are single and feel you are ready to fall in love, put aside your self-esteem that is too high to reach the threshold of arrogance or low self-esteem that easily leads to depression. Sociable and friendly with everyone around. Great love will soon come to you.
In terms of health, The Star reversed indicates that your health is not too bad but it may be aggravated by your anxiety and insecurities at the moment.
Just one change in your approach or attitude towards problems can be all it takes to keep you motivated to make changes. positive change. Where there is hope, there is a way!
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