
Ten of Pentacles - Spread Description & Interpretation

Jul 23, 2023

Card: Ten of Pentacles - Perfect Happiness
Elemental: Earth
Zero sign: Virgo(Virgo)
Planet: Mercury (​​​Mercury)

Sharing your wealth with family is the best way to enjoy material success.

I. Description of the Ten of Pentacles

1. The meaning of position, zodiac sign Ten of Pentacles

Ten of Pentacles is the tenth card, of the Pentacles (Money suit) in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck. Number 10 in terms of thinking, signifies completeness and completeness. It is the natural end of the cycle, when all the elements have completed and reached their climax. The number 10 also signifies success, achievement, and longevity. So the number 10 in the Ten of Pentacles also represents fulfillment, success and prosperity in all aspects of life, including finances, family and social relationships. Reaching the highest and most complete level.

Virgo' is a careful, meticulous and responsible zodiac sign who is dedicated and works hard to get the job done. As for Mercury, the planet is associated with wisdom, skillful communication and flexibility in thinking. Both are related to stability, creativity, and good interaction with their surroundings. This can help the Ten of Pentacles emphasize love, financial success, and family happiness.

2. Detailed description of the Ten of Pentacles card

In many other Tarot cards, we often see houses in the distance. Particularly in the Ten of Pentacles, a monumental building with beautiful architecture is located right in front, covering the whole card. The house looks old, with columns and large arches, signifying the stability and growth of a family over many generations, consisting of grandparents, parents, children, and both small dogs.

The old man with a white beard, with a splendid cape, is patting the dog's head, possibly the highest-ranking and most vocal person in the family. In the distance, a couple were happily chatting while their children were wrapped around their feet. All create a cozy space, harmony, cohesion and full of love.

Above the building, we see drawings of badges or certificates of merit. This shows that this family has made a positive contribution and influence to the community and society. The gold coins are scattered throughout the space to create prosperity and affluence. A family is not only happy mentally but also financially well off.

II. Ten of Pentacles Keyword Explanation

Ten of Pentacles represents success, especially the ultimate destination of material success. This is the card that anyone wants to see the most when they are worried about how their career will turn out. Rest assured that the answer is that all wealth and fulfillment is for you.

However, when success is achieved, we will want it to last forever. This is the bad side of this card. It can represent being conservative - pointing in a predetermined direction and not wanting to change. In a more positive state, the Ten of Pentacles represents longevity and stability. We need stability and opportunity to form the basic foundation of life. It signifies you're focusing on a long-term plan, so it's time to reorganize things that might help you in the future.

In addition, this card also represents connection and solidarity in the community or social relations. It represents a strong and affluent social environment where everyone can share joy and enjoy common happiness.

III. The meaning of the Ten of Pentacles reversed and forward

1. Meaning of the Upright Ten of Pentacles

Ten of pentacles tarot card upright

a. Keyword

Wealth, family, solid foundation, inheritance, achievement.

b. About

The Ten of Pentacles card in the Tarot brings a positive meaning of prosperity and happiness in the family. It is a symbol of success and material stability, as well as promoting the true value of life that comes from harmony and solidarity between loved ones. In addition, this card also indicates attachment to ancestors and inheritance, indicating that you may be benefiting from a family legacy or becoming a resource and support for the next generation.

c. Overview

This card affirms that you are on the way to financial peace, in addition, it also sends a message of love and support from the family. It is also a reminder that happiness and prosperity do not only come from material possessions, but also from connection, love, and values ​​that cannot be measured with money. Therefore, the Ten of Pentacles encourages you to find deep meaning and joy in the immaterial aspects of life, such as love, support and unity from everyone, especially family members. .

d. Meaning of the Ten of Pentacles Upright in Work

Your job is quite favorable when you can be promoted and raise your salary unexpectedly. Your continuous investment and dedication has brought financial and reputational benefits, received recognition from colleagues and superiors, and is appreciated by everyone for your contribution. In addition, a stable working environment and reliable colleagues also help your promotion a lot.

If you are self-employed then congratulations your empire will soon become strong and growing. Now, you can expect future goals and achievements, because everything is showing signs of going up even if you don't pay attention to it, keep trying and success will not be there. far away.

If you are looking for a job, this is a very good time, maybe contribute your talents to the family business or find a job that can guarantee stability. long term.

e. The meaning of the Ten of Pentacles Upright in Finance

In a financial Tarot spread, the upright Ten of Pentacles is a great card to have! It brings a positive message of prosperity, stability and financial success. You are benefiting from your work and efforts. So continue to maintain balance and smart financial management, and appreciate family values ​​because there may be an unexpected amount of money such as inheritance that will come to you, or suggestions to create together. building a legacy to protect and enjoy with the next generation, towards a sustainable financial source for the future.

f. The meaning of the Ten of Pentacles Upright in Love

When it comes to love, the upright Ten of Pentacles continues to be a great card. If you are in the stage of passionate love, soon you and your partner will come to a more certain commitment such as moving into the same house, or having children, towards a better, peaceful and happy future. happiness. And if you are single, prepare yourself right now to receive a new love that is about to appear, who will bring a breath of fresh air into your life, making you reel with no way out.

g. The meaning of the Ten of Pentacles Upright in Health

Things related to the Ten of Pentacles are positive, and health is no exception. Your health is pretty good right now, at least for the time being. So please continue to maintain and improve further to have stable health in the future.

2. The meaning of the Ten of Pentacles reversed (Reversed)

Ten of pentacles tarot card reversed

a. Keyword

Financial failure, loneliness, loss, unexpected changes.

b. About

​​​The reversed Ten of Pentacles in Tarot brings a negative meaning and is the complete opposite of the original meaning. When this card appears reversed, it indicates lack and difficulties in life. First, is the lack of financial prosperity. In addition, it is also not a great card to have a relationship with the family because it also symbolizes the rift in the family. A lack of meaning and important values ​​can make life empty and aimless.

c. Overview

This reversed card can represent conflict and break with traditional values. You may experience a sudden feeling of loss like losing everything when it occurs. However, remember that it is often difficult situations or temporary challenges that give us the opportunity to learn and grow. Because when you live in peace for too long, sometimes a dull feeling will appear, don't let your life become complicated by that bad feeling.

d. The meaning of the Ten of Pentacles reversed in Work

When the Ten of Pentacles appears reversed, it indicates instability and dissatisfaction at work. You may be going through a difficult time when projects or plans get stuck or don't achieve the expected results.

Your current job may not be safe and will not give you long-term stability. The stressful working environment and lack of harmony also make progress at work more or less hindered. If you are in business, your system can also suffer, worse, it can lead to collapse. Causing dissatisfaction and disappointment in career.

These can be temporary challenges, as well as reminders for you to change and adjust your views and actions. By looking at other factors in your life and looking for solutions, you can overcome these difficulties and build a stable and successful career.

e. Meaning of the Ten of Pentacles reversed in Finance

Ten of Pentacles reversed implies loss and financial instability. Financial plans may not work out as expected or investments may not yield the expected returns, causing your assets to fluctuate more or less. Efforts suddenly turn to fruition, which makes you feel anxious and insecure when you don't have a solid foundation to lean on.

Invest carefully and methodically. Don't just look at its good looks. There are things that look very good and potential but are really just to pull "prey". Therefore, before you put pen to paper on an investment decision, you need to think carefully and learn more carefully.

f. The meaning of the Ten of Pentacles reversed in Love

If you are in a relationship, the reversed Ten of Pentacles shows that feelings of boredom are one of the biggest obstacles. Your emotions may be confused and uncertain, both of you are lacking connection, sharing and understanding, gradually creating an unnecessary distance.

In addition, this reversed card can also refer to family conflict or pressure from the partner's family. There may be interference and hindrance from your loved one causing obstacles and difficulties in your relationship. The disagreement about values ​​and views of the two families is partly what creates conflict and tension.

There are things that seem very difficult to solve, but sometimes just sitting together, talking and looking for solutions together, all problems can be solved. Try to experience new feelings together, you will find in each other interesting things that you have not noticed before. Renewing yourself, renewing love is an effective solution for long-term relationships.

And if you are single and on your journey to find love, the reversed Ten of Pentacles implies boldly stepping out and communicating, as well as meeting people more. You will find your positive energy flowing constantly, and maybe your other half will also see and be attracted to it.

g. The meaning of the Ten of Pentacles reversed in Health

Be careful with your health, there may be sudden sudden changes in health that you do not anticipate. Excessive stress from work, family or difficult life situations will cause constant stress, adversely affect the nervous and immune systems, impairing overall health.< /p>

In addition, the reversed Ten of Pentacles also implies genetic health problems, do not ignore the signals that the body calls for help. Take the time to get regular check-ups, take self-care measures, and change unhealthy lifestyles, and you can improve your health and lead a healthier life.


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