Jul 23, 2023
Nine of Swords is the 9th card of the Swords suit in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck. The number 9 usually represents a final stage, completion or an end. In the case of the Nine of Swords, it also signifies the maximum, "full throttle", but the stress and mental pressure to the extreme, even in dreams.
The Nine of Swords card represents anxiety and mental stress, while Gemini signifies flexibility and multi-talented. People of this sign have the ability to be sharp and analytical to negative thoughts. Mercury (Mercury) brings mystery and intuition, helping to see beyond and find clarity in difficult situations.
These properties will help the Nine of Swords reduce its darkness somewhat. Use your acumen and intuition to overcome challenges, find balance in your mind and open up new directions for this card.
In the Nine of Swords card of the Tarot Rider-Waite, we see an emotional and powerful image. On the background of a dark black, there was a woman sitting on the bed, her hands covering her face full of fatigue and worry. It represents the mental obsession and tension in this woman's mind. Maybe she's had nightmares, or is struggling with negative thoughts, anxiety, and insomnia.
The white robe she wears symbolizes purity and innocence, but is overwhelmed by the dark and gloomy atmosphere surrounding her. Behind her is a row of nine swords that pierce the wall, as well as pierce her, symbolizing the troubles, pressures and obstacles that the girl is facing.
Unlike Hurt Heart - Three of Swords pain comes from outside, Nine of Swords expresses pain from inside. The thoughts that hang around in the mind create an "invisible prison" that we can't get out of. They are like nightmares that come every night, making people feel anxious, scared, and extremely bad.
After a rushed day, when night falls is when people become weakest. The silent night dispels the busyness of the day, leaving us alone with secret thoughts. Unknowingly the pain and regret come rushing, creating a feeling of anguish and sorrow.
Sometimes, guilt is also a cause of suffering. When we do something wrong or hurt others, we feel extremely heavy. Sometimes that suffering is no different from our own pain.
Anxiety, nightmare, fear, stress, despair, anxiety, depression.
The Nine of Swords card upright indicates negative thoughts and stressful mental states that we may encounter in our daily lives. When this card appears, it shows that you are going through a difficult time and can face fears or pressures in your mind. You may be worrying about the future, having difficulty making decisions, and feeling limited in your freedom.
Nine of Swords represents anxiety, fear, and mental pressure. However, these fears and anxieties are the product of negative thinking and are not realistic. They can be distracting and interfere with goal achievement and progress. So, let's seek liberation and peace of mind, don't let them take over our mind and life.
This card shows that you are facing challenges and psychological pressure related to work, maybe due to pressure from superiors, it makes you feel overwhelmed and do not know what to do. how to solve current problems.
However, consider whether recently, due to excessive expectations from your boss, or the heavy projects you are taking on, have generated anxiety and pressure in hallucinations, it exists only in your mind and does not reflect reality. You may be exaggerating your difficulties and concerns for no particular reason.
Let's relax a bit, find a way to solve it objectively and avoid creating unnecessary pressure on yourself. Focusing and facing your actual worries will help you solve the problem.
Finance was also not very stable when the Nine of Swords appeared. You may be experiencing stress and anxiety about your job, loans, debt, or property loss. Know that life always has challenges that require us to be persistent and wise enough to overcome.
Don't just lie around crying, sullen and exaggerate. Spending sparingly and saving more will help you get through this phase. People around will also be happy to help if you speak up. Remember you are not alone, so no matter how difficult it is, don't get involved in illegal money making.
Whether you are in a relationship or single, this card shows that you are experiencing fears, worries and concerns about your current relationship or about your future love. You don't feel secure in love, always worrying about decisions, worried that your partner will leave you, haunted by betrayal and afraid of loneliness.
These psychological pressures make it impossible for you to enjoy the happiness that love brings. If you have doubts or worries, you can say it so that both of you can solve it together and remove the doubt. Otherwise, let's leave each other and spend time enjoying the joys that life has to offer. Are you tired of living in such a heavy feeling forever?
Your health is not good at all, especially psychologically. You are constantly worried, stressed, stressed, and sleep deprived. These negative influences are weighing heavily on the body and mind. You need someone by your side right now, keep them company, confide in as well as listen to useful advice from them. You are not alone in this world, remember that!
Despair, grief, severe depression.
Nine of Swords reversed implies anxiety, pressure and negative thinking in all aspects of life. You may be going through a stressful, difficult period and feel trapped in an unresolvable situation.
Fear, depression and loss of motivation can haunt you. To overcome this situation, seek support and change your approach to find the best solution.
When reversed, this card shows heavier, more desperate emotions than the upright card. It represents depression, negative thinking and fear. But it is also a reminder and emphasizes the importance of support, recovery, and finding balance in life. Control your anxiety, don't let it invade your mind, make you lose yourself.
In a work spread, the Nine of Swords reversed implies that worries will become useless if you do not act. The work will still stand still, the bad players will still gloat, while we ourselves can only play the role of useless victims.
Stand up and protect yourself, be aware that we go to work to support ourselves and our families, do legitimate work to earn money, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Be confident in expressing your personality and showcasing your talents. No boss wants to "raise" a useless employee, right?
Don't let financial worries overwhelm you. We cannot get rich overnight or change what happened overnight. Past failures, take that as an experience to revive your pocket. So be careful not to fall into the trap of fraud or borrowing at this time. Especially the temptation to invest or borrow with attractive interest rates, both borrowing and lending, it will make you easily entangled in the labor cycle.
In love, the reversed Nine of Swords card has deception in it. Consider this relationship again, lack of sincerity will not be able to bring the boat of love to a happy shore. It's never too late, you deserve to be happy and so does the person you love. If you are no longer willing to love each other, let's smile and let each other go their separate ways. Remember that love is just a "spice" for life, don't be too "distressed" because of it!
Nine of Swords reversed is a reminder to listen to your body more. The pressures from outside and inside are surrounding you all the time, making you always in a negative state, insomnia, anxiety and fear. Change slowly, don't put too much pressure on yourself to demand a perfect state of health.
Take good care of yourself and find ways to reduce stress. Seek support from loved ones or medical professionals when needed. Also, listen to your body and mind to make smart decisions regarding your health.
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