
Four of Cups - Spread Description & Interpretation

Jul 23, 2023

Card: Four of Cups - Forgotten Reality
Elemental: Water
Zero Sign: Cancer (Cancer)
Planet: Moon

Opportunity will pass quickly if you ignore it.
But once you start searching, you'll see opportunities everywhere.

I. Description of the Four of Cups

1. The meaning of the position, the zodiac of the Four of Cups card

Four of Cups is the fourth card of the Cups suit in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck. The number 4 is a symbol of stability and balance. Spiritually it can signify mental stability or equilibrium of the mind. However, in the case of the Four of Cups, this stability can lead to being immersed in one's own world of thought and missing out on new opportunities leading to loneliness and depression.

Cancer is an emotional sign in love and is ruled by the Moon. When it comes to the Moon's inconsistency, Cancer closes in on itself to protect its heart. Like the waning and full moon, hidden behind the tough camouflage of the crabs is a fragile and sensitive soul.

So, the Four of Cups is often immersed in thoughts and feelings, likes to dream and imagine. Their souls are as mysterious as the waves in the ocean, bringing people back to their true nature. Weak, uncertain, precarious and insecure.

2. Detailed description of the Four of Cups card

The Four of Cups card is depicted with an image of a man sitting alone under a tree. His eyes were closed, his arms crossed as if in contemplation, focused on something. In front of him were three cups of water, because he was leaning on the tree to meditate, he didn't know that there was an arm reaching out from the cloud offering him another cup.

Three cups in front of the boy, symbolizing the joys and temptations in life. The fourth cup brought to him represents a new opportunity approaching that he could not realize because he was forever immersed in his own thoughts. The sky is vast, the trees are still green, the wind is still blowing and the sun is still overhead. No matter how long he is immersed in his own world, the outside world is still in motion.

II. Key words in Four of Cups

After great parties and endless fun at the Three of Cups, we return to reality with the worries at the Four of Cups. Every fun comes to an end, now is the moment that we should cherish. However, for a moment, you will be deep in your own world, now you only care about yourself and tend to withdraw from everything.

On the positive side, this card symbolizes the proactive period in the face of a stressful life, you know how to spend time and energy for yourself, balance your emotions, focus on your wishes. dream to be reborn and renewed.

“Silence is always the key. We need silence just as we need air, like a tree needs sunlight. If our minds are always filled with calculations and worries, we will not be able to find a space for ourselves.” - Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.

But sometimes the Four of Cups is also a sign of apathy and apathy. It shows that you are not very interested in anything. Your life seems to be too flat and boring. Like a drifting boat, ignoring the wind blowing the waves. There is nothing stimulating enough to ignite your determination and conquer it.

This card also indicates that you are emotionally stuck. You need something that can keep you focused, engaging both mind and heart. If you're open to the world around you, you'll soon be on your own rose-lined path again.

III. Meaning of Four of Cups reversed and forward

1. Meaning of Upright Four of Cups

Four of cups tarot card upright


Thinking, contemplation, apathy, deadlock, evaluation.


Four of Cups upside down often carries the meaning of being too immersed in thoughts and emotions, causing us to miss opportunities in life. Sometimes, it shows dissatisfaction with what we have, fatigue, dissatisfaction and no motivation to continue to strive to achieve new goals.

Instead of daydreaming, fantasizing, wallowing in thoughts about unattainable things, or worrying excessively about things that are unlikely to happen, why not pay attention to reality? present and grateful for the blessings we have?


Four of Cups down reminds you to focus on reality and take advantage of the opportunities that are given to you, don't dwell on thoughts or desires that are too far away. This good life will not disappoint if we put our care and focus on it.d. The meaning of the Four of Cups Upright in Work The Four of Cups upright shows dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction and stagnation with the current state of the work that you are doing. You feel lost and don't know what you want. Get caught up in thinking about the unattainable, and miss out on new opportunities that your current job can offer.

To get through it and keep growing, you need to find a new source of motivation. It could be lessons, or new goals to achieve. If you're feeling stuck, consider seeking help from others so you can find a new direction. Remember that life is not perfect for anyone if we know how to try.

e. Meaning of the Four of Cups Upright in Finance

Four of Cups down reminds you to control your financial resources realistically, don't get lost in thinking about high dreams, like when you can be in the "top 100 people" richest in the world” for example, but misses opportunities to improve the current financial situation.

Set specific goals and plans then focus on harnessing the potential of those goals and plans. Don't slack off but make more responsible decisions to achieve your financial independence and success.

f. Meaning of the Four of Cups Upright in Love

Four of Cups in love can convey a message of dissatisfaction with the current relationship. Think seriously about whether you're being realistic when it comes to emotional matters. Because too much of anything is not good. Don't be too dreamy, don't get too complacent, and don't get caught up in the illusions you create. If it's been an unsustainable relationship from the start, then there's obviously no definite commitment.

If you are single, the Four of Cups is a sign that you will continue to live a free, love-free life. It's not that you don't want a romance, it's that you can't overcome the barriers in your heart, for fear of making the same mistakes in the past.

Change your approach and broaden your horizons to get satisfaction and fulfillment in love.

g. Meaning of the Four of Cups Upright in Health

The Four of Cups' forward reminds you that you may be in a state of passivity, disinterest and doing nothing to take care of your health. People often have the habit of not knowing how to take care of their own health until they are sick to regret it. Keep yourself in the best shape, ready to try new things to be motivated to maintain and improve better health. Meditation or yoga methods will help your spirit a lot.

2. The meaning of the Four of Cups reversed (Reversed)

Four of cups tarot card reversed

a. Keyword

Depression, missed opportunities, separation, action, realization of truth.

b. About

When the Four of Cups is reversed, it's time to face the negative feelings and try to figure out how to change your mindset. Without change and renewal in your life, it is easy to become bored and lose interest.

So focus on reality and find ways to adapt to your surroundings to grow stronger. Look for new opportunities and learn to appreciate what you have instead of sitting there feeling sorry for yourself and spelling out the word "must pay".

c. Overview

When the reversed Four of Cups appeared, you realized it was time to start getting up and breaking the self-imposed rut. This is a good thing to make a move and move on again. Making the right decisions and discovering new opportunities will help you achieve your goals. However, don't put too much weight on your ego, expand your horizons and look for opportunities to interact with people around you.

d. Meaning of the Four of Cups reversed in Work

When the Four of Cups appears reversed in a work spread, this is when you have begun to find the motivation to change and improve the current situation. Boldly seek innovation, but don't forget to give yourself time plus a little persistence. You can control your life by your own strength. Believe it!

If you are in the process of looking for a new job, this card also shows that broadening your horizons and looking for opportunities will help you find a job that matches your abilities and passion, instead of just focusing on what is familiar or safe.

e. Meaning of the Four of Cups reversed in Finance

Four of Cups reversed in finance can suggest that potential financial opportunities or benefits that you missed in the past may return if you quickly recognize and do your best. to get it back. Focus on what really matters to you and pursue them. Money situation will be much better!

f. Meaning of the Four of Cups reversed in Love

Haunts from the past or failures in previous relationships make you feel distrustful in love and relationships. However, the reversed Four of Cups shows that you are ready to overcome the ghosts of the past and calmly face your own feelings.

You learn to accept and look in a positive direction more openly, because you realize that these are the things that you must go through in order to grow up and move towards a bright, happy perspective. with true love in the future.

If you are single, positive relationships are waiting for you ahead, broaden your horizons, interact and exchange with people. If love comes, please open your heart and accept it with the most comfortable mind, giving yourself the opportunity to enjoy wonderful things.

g. Meaning of the Four of Cups reversed in Health

Four of Cups reversed shows that this is a great time to change your perspective, and take positive actions in your health care. You need to learn to assess and manage your health more positively and openly, and find ways to create motivation to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle.

If you are having health problems, the reversed Four of Cups also shows that you need to find new treatments or support from medical professionals to help you recover and improve your health. my health.


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