Jul 23, 2023
Five of Wands is the 5th card of the Wands suit in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck. The harmonious and stable energy of card 4 is now broken in the Five of Wands, causing this card to become unbalanced and chaotic. The number 5 in the Wands signifies the struggle to adapt and defend one's opinions.
Lion is the zodiac sign associated with the Five of Wands and this card is the clearest spokesman for Leo's confident, independent, leading personality. When combined with the Five of Wands, Leo can signify a great effort to find a way to win a fight.
With the support of Saturn - the sturdy, dependable planet that can put everything in order and discipline. Controversies at the Five of Wands always take place, but will not cross the line to become a war, but only stop at discussion, trying to resolve conflicts, struggling to find a unified ideal.
The Five of Wands card is depicted with extremely vivid images. On the card is an image of five boys holding five sticks fighting with each other. However, if you look closely at their relaxed expressions and the position they stand close to each other, and the wooden stick is too long to be able to take actions that cause harm to others, it doesn't have any damage or danger. dangerous. It seems that they simply want to express themselves or some practice session.
Five boys wearing completely different outfits, symbolizing differences, be it simply in opinion or beliefs, as well as the myriad other differences that exist in the world. . It is for this reason that they cannot understand each other, thereby causing misunderstandings and conflicts.
The whole scene of the card occurs against a blue sky, representing growth and freedom. Boys' conflict can symbolize struggle and competition in growth and maturity, but it can also become messy and ineffective if not managed fairly. .
Imagine after a tiring day of studying and working, you want to come home and lie back on a comfortable bed, but suddenly realize you forgot your keys at work. Or when you have an urgent need to make a phone call but it runs out of battery. These things may mean nothing to others because they are so trivial, but they happen when you are in a bad mood, so they make you very angry.
The Five of Wands card represents a time when circumstances seem to be working against you. Nothing in your life is going smoothly, trials and difficulties keep coming. All energies are scattered without being concentrated in one place, representing chaos, conflict, and difficulty to control.
This card also represents competition. Under the right circumstances, competition is necessary to push yourself to the next level. But at the core of competition is disagreement, so the Five of Wands encourages you to find ways to face these challenges positively, with more effort, mental clarity, and balance to work toward your goals. pepper. If possible, consider teaming up with competitors to help each other move forward.
Disagreement, competition, rivalry, challenge, conflict, tension, contradiction, diversity
The Five of Wands card in upright represents challenges and competition in life, especially in the field of work and love. Prepare yourself well for the upcoming challenging journey. With optimism, hard work and perseverance, you can overcome any obstacle and accomplish anything. The forward Five of Wands will not imply great obstacles, but only many small difficulties and annoyances.
Although the Five of Wands upright means competition and struggle, it also gives advice on balance, cooperation and perseverance in life to work towards a common goal. This is your chance to prove yourself and make your point. Hold your head high and have faith that you will get what is yours.
In a work spread, the Five of Wands card upright refers to a stressful work environment where everyone is trying to win and prove themselves. Realize that you are facing competition with peers or competitors in the marketplace to achieve your goals.
You can use this as an opportunity to learn from their experience and challenge yourself to improve your skills. And of course, you have to compete fairly to prove your bravery.
If you are looking for a job then the Five of Wands up and down indicates that you will likely have to face many other applicants to get the position you want. This requires you to express yourself better, improve your skills and confidence to win the recruitment race.
You should also not be too stubborn to pursue a certain goal. Let's start from the things that suit our ability first instead of chasing after distant dreams
Five of Wands' financial situation keeps going up and down because of incorrect decisions from you. You are quite in a hurry to find new opportunities to make money, which will cause financial problems such as facing debt or overspending.
Losing some money is a lesson for you to think calmly before investing or spending on something. But don't worry, things will get better soon, most likely in just a few weeks.
Five of Wands in love is a card filled with controversy. You and your partner can't find a common language, so both of you are always arguing. Repressed frustration and irritation can make your relationship extremely stressful and exhausting. If you prefer a harmonious relationship, then the Five of Wands upright advises you to control your temper, listen and understand each other.
However, there are also some couples who thrive on passionate relationships because the arguments and struggles keep them interested. It depends on the personalities of the two of you, because if you both love this kind of love then the Five of Wands up is not a bad omen.
If you are single, the Five of Wands down shows that the person you like is noticed by a lot of people and you are also the crush of many people. Enjoy your "flower luck", but don't stress too much or it will turn annoying!
The Five of Wands card upright reminds you that you are working too hard and forgetting to take time to rest, making yourself more susceptible to stress-related diseases such as high blood pressure. The upright Five of Wands also denotes sports injuries caused by arguments or collisions. Health is always the most important, you must consider what is necessary for yourself.
Conflict avoidance, compromise, harmony, focus more on goals, dispute resolution, teamwork.
The Five of Wands card when reversed indicates that you have found a solution to a conflict or competition you face. This also shows that you have let go of the pressure of right and wrong and are ready to come up with a harmonious solution to reach an agreement that benefits all parties. Overcoming your own challenges makes you feel relieved and satisfied.
When the card is reversed, whether you have found a suitable solution or are avoiding conflict, you have made your point. It is good to move from conflict and competition to peaceful and harmonious resolution, but when you need to stand up for yourself, you should also face it bravely. Like the forward meaning of the Five of Wands, you need to really believe in yourself.
When the reverse Five of Wands appears, it is a relatively positive signal at work. You and your colleagues have found common ground and are ready to work together to achieve the same goal. Although it is still difficult and stressful at work, now you are no longer alone but have teammates by your side. This is the time for you to learn from other people's experiences, learn their good things to improve yourself.
The money when the reverse Five of Wands appears is also a bit better. You have found a harmonious solution in financial management, so although not too redundant, your money is still stable. When you have to deal with competitors in the financial sector, your negotiation has worked.
When the reversed Five of Wands card appears in a love spread, your relationship has gradually been "saved". You have found the way to resolve conflicts and conflicts in your relationship, which is to ignore useless arguments and instead be more willing to talk, care and share with each other. This makes you feel satisfied with the current situation.
If you're looking for love and are interested in a certain guy/girl and they don't seem to notice you, then know that the problem lies with them, not you. If you really want to marry this person, you will need to learn to be patient, but if the affection is not enough, then with a good person like you, you deserve to have someone who appreciates you more.
If you are being treated for an illness, the reversed Five of Wands implies that you are trying to deal with physical pain. Refer to the diet, heat methods and massage are also very useful therapies. Don't be subjective just because you feel better. Persevere to the end in healing.
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